September 9th 2010 - 3 better days then legs like jelly!

2 minute read time.

Mums legs have been fairly steady since the wobbly weekend.  On Monday she was a lot better and was good Tuesday and Wednesday.  Don't get me wrong her legs weren't at full strength but she wasn't feeling what she calls 'doddery'!  Yesterday we had the physio and OT out and they have arranged a variety of rails, walker, stool, step etc. but they did not see her at her worst. 

As mum's been ok over the past 3 days I have begun to relax and slept much better last night but today I've come home from work and she's very unsteady and says she's been like that all day.  It is almost like she's drunk, a bit staggery when she walks and she is very shaky.  I took her to the dentist tonight to get her denture back and she was so tentative even walking on a flat surface.

I just don't understand it.  If it's the steroids why are there good days and then bad days?  She is having her bloods done again tomorrow to check her sodium and urea levels which were low 4 weeks ago.  I know low sodium can cause confusion and she's not confused but could it be causing the lack of balance and could that be a seperate issue from the weakness in her legs?  I don't know when we'll get the rails and half step into the bathroom and I'm worrying again that either during the night or when I'm at work she'll be unable to get into the bathroom or even take a tumble like she did on Friday night.

The OT and physio tried to get her to have a commode in her bedroom just for her to use during the night and she refused point blank!  I am really angry with her but I've not shown it to her.  It's just that if she had a commode I would get a decent nights sleep as it is I'm lucky if I get 3 hours a night because I'm listening for her getting up and as soon as I hear her moving I'm awake.  I have had to get up a couple of times to hoist her into the bathroom in the middle of the night as she's failed to get up the step.  My nerves are shattered.

I can understand why she doesn't want the commode but I just feel she could have at least accepted it for a few days/weeks until the handrails and steps can be put in place.  I feel really guilty and selfish for feeling like this.  I said to her tonight that she might have been better just having the commode until we got the rails and the step and she said she didn't need them and I said it would allow me to sleep properly and she told me not to say that as it made her feel bad.  I'm at my wits end.  Thanks for reading my rant!  Maybe tomorrow will be a better day!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    Sorry things have been stressful today.  I can relate with it, I really can, especially regarding the commode.  Our experience is mum point blankly refused the commode too, and you can understand why really, but the MacMillan Nurse had a firm word with her (it had to come from her really, because she wasn't listening to us) and mum relented, and had one.  Well, the next day, mum actually said, yes, i realise the commode is a sensible option, I suppose its just the thought of it really isn't it.  Maybe you need to get them to have another word with her, but be a bit firmer and maybe state your case for you, I don't know, just my thoughts.  Sorry your mum seems weaker on her legs, I think, she will probably get good days and bad days, until she is fully off the steroids and then hopefully she will regain her muscle strength.  

    You must be shattered and hugs to you and mum.

    Nic xx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Nic.  I think you're absolutely right about it having to come from someone else.  My uncle said the same.  I'm going to contact Christine tomorrow and explain what's going on and I'll ask her if she could just pop round and see mum, not say I've asked ehr to.  I just worry that it's not really her job as she is the lung cancer specialist nurse and at the moment mum is NED.  She is probably the only person mum would listen to.  I also feel that mum's a bit depressed today but she won't open up to me because she doesn't want to upset me and I don't want to push her and end up with her being very upset.  I feel so sorry for her, she should be enjoying things whilst she's cancer free.

  • FormerMember

    Dear Caroline - am thinking of you and hope your Mum feels stronger soon. The commode issue is a really difficult one for many I think, I hope you can get it resolved soon. (A little easier for a man, we had plastic bottles for night-time use). Love to you both, take care, Val X