Saturday October 9th - A less hectic day!

2 minute read time.

I will make this quick as mum has been in bed since 8 and, having given her her meds at 9.45 she is now sound asleep again and I want to get my head down while I can.

The carers came today and got mum up, dressed and fed this morning and this evening they just got her washed and into her nightie ready for bed.  I explained that they were really here to give me an hours break in the morning and evening as mum needs 24 hour care.  All four of them were lovely and I'm sure once I've shown them where everything is and mum has got used to them being here I will happily leave them for an hour to have a wee bit me time.

Mums appetite seems to be dwindling a bit but this may be due in part to her suffering quite bad indigestion.  She takes a lansoprazole each morning but they don't seem to be working anymore.   Having said this she has developed a very sweet tooth so she has eaten her beloved muller rice and 2 french fancies.  I will ask Tony on Monday whether we can sort that out.

I took Thomas to dance this morning whilst my aunt and uncle looked after mum.  I enjoyed watching Tom as he just loves to dance and it was a nice 2 hours break.  When I got home mum was having a snooze on her new riser recliner chair which arrived last night and is really nice and comfy.

This afternoon mum went for a nap in the chair and I managed to get my head down for an hour too.  Last night was really tough and I had very little sleep.  When mum woke my aunt and uncle told me to go up to my bed and get a sleep so I had another hours in a real bed, something I haven't had since Tuesday.

I am trying to stay strong but I had a bit of a wobble tonight when one of mums friends from home rung to see how she was.  I had to tell her it was in mums liver and that I had brought her home as there was no more they could do.  She has been going through cancer herself and she was really upset.  I could feel myself going but I managed to hold it together.

The house has been much calmer today without the steady stream of healthcare professionals and equipment deliverers/collectors that we have had since Tuesday.  Mum has found it exhausting to have so many people coming and going and just needs some peace and quiet.  Hoping she has a good night tonight as last night I went to sleep around 11.30 and she was up for the loo at 12.30ish. She wanted to get up at 4am and continued to wake every half hour to go to the loo until the carer came at 7am.  The carers will be here at 7am tomorrow, so I'll sign off for now and get some sleep.
