RT and going on holiday!

1 minute read time.

I'm hoping some of you may be able to help with a decision we're trying to make.  Mum begins her RT on Tuesday.  She will have 10 days to her head and chest finishing on the 17th.  The thing is we want to go on holiday for a week beginning on May 29th. 

The oncologist says she is fit to fly but also indicated that the RT could make her a lot more tired than the chemo.  She was so tired with the chemo that she can't imagine being any more tired.  She really wants to go on the holiday and I think it would do us both good but we're concerned that she won't be fit for it less than 2 weeks after her RT.

Anyone had the same RT as mum who could offer advice on whether she should feel ok?  If she's not going to feel ill with it and is going to just be a bit more tired she feels she will be able to go.  We could wait until summer but we are not keen on the heat and we also think she is supposed to avoid the sun after treatment?  Any experiences you've had that you could share to help us decide would be appreciated.  We won't hold any of you responsible for our final decision so don't worry!!


  • FormerMember

    My dad is 61 was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer May 2009.  It appears that his chemo and radiotherapy treatment has worked....  (the cancer doc is happy... ) I wish to advise you to read section on blood clots after chemo, they do  sometimes occur. I dont want to worry you but i wish i had read it sooner! About March 2010, several months after my dads radiotherapy had finished he had a couple of days where he became more and more tired... then on 3rd day he woke up with severe pain in his back, the same pain as he had when he was very ill with SCLC. We all thought the cancer had come back.  Macmillan nurse told him to get to A&E asap and not to drive. It was confirmed within 24 hours, scan showed that he had a Pulmonary Embolism in his lungs, this is life threatening, it was suspected that it was a PE pretty quick as we were told it was a side effect that can occur after chemo- He is now on daily injections to thin blood. The clot starts in the leg initially and can travel to the chest area. My dad is doing well now but he is a long way off a holiday.

    This may be the only holiday your mum can take for a while, so you will have to bear this in mind also when deciding. I do not want to be too negative.

    I do not mean to alarm about the clots, just be aware, i can see that you love your mum very very much and you are searching for answers in relation to this vile illness

    Nina x