November 13th - mum got her wig

1 minute read time.

Toda has been a good day.  Mum and I went to the wig salon and she got her wig.  It is really nice and although it is slightly longer than her own she has decided not to have it cut.  Mum is blond and I am dark but tonight I tried the wig on to let mum see how it looked on me.  She thinks I really suited the blond hair BUT it's not about to happen.  I'll stick with my dark hair with white highlights, the highlights are natural by the way!!  On the way home mum told me she felt a lot better today as she had slept well and was happy with the wig.  The only little niggle is that she went for a sleep this afternoon and when she got up she had a sore hip.  She thinks she's maybe hurt it when she was coughing.  The pain is going down her leg to her heel and she said it was sort of pins and needles in her heel.  She's just said 'it can't be my cancer in my bum!' but I must admit I'm a panic merchant and was worrying about that myself.  She's still really well at the moment and with her chemo starting on Monday I just hope it's only a pulled muscle or something.

  • FormerMember

    Glad that getting her wig was a positive experience, I had real fun getting mine with my hubby.

    I hope the pain in her leg turns out to be nothing to worry about and rights itself soon.

    Here's to many more good days.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    thats good for your mum,i hop things work out for her.take care

  • Hi

    Glad your Mum has got her wig and is pleased with it. Mine was so much like my own hair that people did not know I had a wig on. One lady in the docs said i was so lucky not to have lost my hair during chemo.

    Hope your Mum's chemo goes well.

    Sue xxx

  • FormerMember


    It's good to read a happy friday 13th story, and anything that makes your mum feel good has got to be good thing.

    Try not to be too anxious about the leg thing, I've found that your mind tends to work overtime with things like this, and doubly so under these circumstances.

    Best wishes to you both.


  • FormerMember

    Thanks to all of you for your kind words. (((((hugs))))))