Monday November 8th - OH appointment November 16th!

3 minute read time.

When I woke up this morning I was crying, this has happened a few times and is very unsettling.  Today my mum would have been 75, bless her, she was looking forward to getting a free TV licence!  Last year on her birthday we had just found out 3 days before that she had terminal lung cancer and it seemed unlikely she would reach her next birthday.  Then she had her chemo and went into remission and reaching 75 seemed very likely.  My optimism was short lived, however, and when I think about it now I was aware in June/July something wasn't right.  I now wish I had pushed for a scan sooner as we just accepted the steroids were causing the problem.  Sadly by the time mum had her scan the cancer had spread to her liver, it was agressive and it was too late to do any more.  I have gone through today with a very heavy heart. 

Gillian and I set off for the Trafford Centre just after 9am and were there just after 10am.  We had a good look round Debenhams and then headed for starbucks, my favourite coffee shop!  We then had a nice time looking for Christmas presents for all the kids although we didn't actually get that many.  We had a nice lunch and set off back home at about 3pm.  We were home around 3.45pm and I only had a hour or so before I had to set off again, this time for Leyland, to take Charlotte to Runshaw College Open evening.  We got home around 7pm and I took Kieran and Charlotte to Kung Fu at 7.45pm.  Gillian and I then had a coffee and made some online purchases before I went back to collect the kids at 9pm.  So I have just settled down on my own for the first time today and I am feeling fragile.

I checked my emails to find that my head had sent me details of my appointment for Occupational Health.  When I told her last Thursday that I wasn't ready to talk to anyone yet she told me it would be a few weeks before I would get an appoinment.  Tonight I find out it will take place next Tuesday at 3.15pm.  So I've written it on the calendar and will now try and forget about it until next Tuesday,  FAT CHANCE!  In her email she also told me to stay strong, that I had promised mum and that I knew this was what mum wanted!  That made me really angry.  How the hell does she know what I told my mum or what the hell she wanted?  My mum would certainly not want me to be feeling this anxious and upset about work.  Stay strong!  I ask you!

Last night I didn't get to sleep until around 2am.  Gillian and the kids have kept me busy all day but I'm feeling really stressed out tonight and am not sure I'll sleep that well.  I'm still replaying things in my head and I keep seeing events which are distressing.  Why do I not see any good things?  I'm not consciously thinking about anything but these visions just keep flashing into my mind, it's horrible and they make me feel so sad and anxious.  I miss my mum so much and I hate that she went through all her treatment, especially the RT, with so little benefit.  Yes I had her for longer but she wasn't happy.  She went from being very young and fit for her age to being an old woman.  She spent most of the last year sleeping, or feeling exhausted.  She fought so hard and was so brave and my heart breaks that she didn't get to be her usual self again, even if just for a few weeks.

We couldn't even send up her sky lanterns tonight as it was throwing it down but on the first dry and calm evening we get we will go up to the tower and send them, all be it belatedly.  My Aunt, Uncle, Fiona and wee Rebecca did manage to send one up at home so I was pleased at least one went up today. 

  • FormerMember

    Dear Caroline, grieving goes in stages and as an x nurse i was told how these stages went so i could help people who had lost a loved one. To be honest i thought that everyone grieved differently,some people would find it very hard to come to terms with there loss, others got on with there lives after a while.But when i lost my own mother a few years back when i was 52 it was then that i understood about the stages of grieving, the anger, the feeling of desolation, not finding pleasure in everyday life and oh so many many days nights weeks and months of crying. Like you the images that would appear in my mind would arrive without invitation, i found i could not eat things that my mum enjoyed ,

    i felt guilty and the. food would get stuck in my throat, laughter was something i tried hard to avoid

    because i felt guilty. I then blamed myself for not doing more for my mum and thought maybe i could have stopped her dieing if i had demanded more from her doctors. Then denial reared its ugly head if i could tell myself mum was still in her home and she was well i was able to get thru the days ahead

    but there comes a time when i had to face reality and that was such a bitter pill to swallow. It took a very long time before i could accept that life goes on, that we all have to face up to the fact that no one lives for ever and to be so very grateful that we are the lucky ones that had mums that loved us as much as we loved them and you know Caroline our mums are still with us, its just that we cant see them. Grieving is natures way of healing us and one day when the time is right for you will  sit and smile at all the wonderful memories your mum left you, her legacy to you and the sun will shine for you again.

    With Love And Hugs. Lucylee. xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    hi caroline.. id just like to say my thoughts are still with you xx in your post you mentioned about your mum having radiotherpy.. my dad had to have radiotherpy to the head and i do believe that this was the slippery slope to my dad's decline.. considering the consultant wanted to do 10-15 sessions on my dad,to doing them all in 5 sessions! sorry for hijacking ur blog and getting carried away.. xx

  • FormerMember

    Nic, I've never met you but I feel you are one of the best friends I have.  I really appreciate your support and I will always be here for you.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Caroline, I don't have any words of wisdom just now but am always here to listen and I fully understand the need to put things down in black and white.xx I feel really angry just now as well and unable to face the world really. I just want to send you a big ((hug))) and say that I am here with youxxx
