March 28th - Mum has had her final chemo (for now anyway). Hooray!

1 minute read time.

Mum had her final chemo this weekend.  Started on Friday and finished this morning.  She wasn't feeling too good on Friday when we came back from hospital and felt much the same on Saturday.  She couldn't put her finger on what was wrong said she just felt 'out of sorts'.  Today she has been a bit better and we went out to Ossie Mills to get her some material for a cushion cover she needs!!  She's not slept so much today but I know tomorrow she'll be wiped out if she follows her normal pattern.

The district nurse is coming to give her the neulasta injection about 10.30 for her white blood count and then, on Tuesday afternoon, she will have another CT scan.  I'm praying that when we get the results from Dr. Mehta on April 8th they will be good and we will be able to buy our travel insurance and book our holiday in Spain for the end of May.  I hope she'll start to pick up in a couple of weeks and feel less tired so that she can have some normality, something she has not had since this all started but he might want her to have RT, so we'll see.

She has done so well and doesn't complain but I know the chemo has taken it out of her and she's not been out that much as a result.  I stop for Easter on Thursday and have two weeks off so maybe we'll get a couple of days out towards the end of the holiday if we're not having to go for the RT in the second week.  I am behind with my exam marking so will have to spend a few days on that but otherwise we're pretty much free to do what we want.



  • FormerMember

    WIshing ur mum all the very best.

    I have been following ur blog and keeping up with her progress and willing her to keep fighting even when she had obviously found it difficult. I have had chemo and it is really hard at my age (I'm 26) so i can only imagine how much it takes out of u at an older age. Hopefully she will pick up soon, try to get her to eat some energy boosting foods, which I'm sure u do anyways, but they mite just help pick her up, if she has an appetite also that is.

    I have had Radiotherapy also and I found it easier than chemo but it makes u VERY tired, i think it's the travelling everyday that does it, even if u don't have far to go like me, it was stil exhausting but if it will help it's worth it.

    Wishing u both the very best for the results on the 8th, i will send good vibes in the hope u hear the right things and r able to sort ur holiday out. I'm sure it will do both of u the world of good.

    Also i think the level of support u have given ur mum is amazing and ur a very strong person , ur mum is very lucky :)

    Lots of love,



  • FormerMember

    Aww well done Mum - she must be low if she is having the injections for her white counts - lets hope some rest and relaxation allows her to recover - give her a month and she might feel as though she has 'turned a corner' and begins slowly to feel better.

    Enjoy the Easter break and fingers crossed for the results (I get mine on the 8th too!) Dont forget chemo is still in the system and working for around 6 weeks so the scan may not show the entire improvement !!

    Rol on the day you can book your Jollys :o)

    Love Jools x

  • FormerMember

    Hope Mum doesn't take too long to recover from the treatment - and keeping all my fingers and toes crossed for positive scan results. And you enjoy the easter break! Val

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline

    Keeping everything crossed that the scan goes well on Tuesday. Your Mum, despite the ups and downs, has done really well and your support of her has been wonderful.

    I hope you have a lovely Easter and manage to get out and about. Let's hope the weather is fine.

    We are going up the road on Friday for a week. Will wave to F/B for you. LOL.

    Love Alison.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    Sorry for late reply - been a tad busy and playing catch-up now.

    I'm sending such positive thoughts for your Mum's results on the 8th. And then ......the excitement of being able to book your holiday and have something really happy to look forward to.

    Hope that you have a relaxing Easter. (after the marking!)

    Love and Courage,

    Tricia. X