January 26th 2010 - More sad news!

1 minute read time.

I don't know if I've mentioned my friends son in law who was diagnosed early last year with cancer and had been having a really bad time.  Anyway when my friend told her daughter, his wife, about my mums diagnosis in November she took time to write to me.   I have never met Andrea, Andy or their children but she took the time to write to me when she was having such an awful time herself.  It was her who told me to think of my mum as 'living with cancer not dying with cancer!' and I have kept that thought close to my heart from that day to this. 

Sadly Andy lost his battle on Sunday at the age of 38.  He leaves behind a wife and two young daughters, the eldest only 8.  When her grandparents took her to see her daddy for the last time she sobbed and sobbed before saying to her gran 'my daddy has suffered enough at least now he's in Heaven.'

I had only just received a letter today from Andrea saying that they had had a wonderful Christmas together and that he was going into a hospice on the 21st for some treatment.  Having just read the letter I spoke to her mum on the phone and she told me he never made it and passed away in hospital.  My heart is broken for Andrea and the girls.  If you read this blog please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.  Rest in peace Andy.  God Bless Andrea, Cerys and Sian. XX
