January 18th 2010 - To smoke or not to smoke?!

1 minute read time.

The stairlift guy arrived dead on 9am and was finished by 11.30am.  Now that it's been fitted mum is quite happy to use it.  She was really tired when I came home at lunch time and has gone back to bed now.  She was, however, in good spirits and used her new toy to get upstairs to her bedroom.  I think she thought it would get in the way but now that she sees it's unobtrusive she's quite happy.

The dreaded smoking cessation nurse is coming at 4.30pm and mum has tried to get me to cancel.  She has not put a patch on again today probably because she is so wound up at the thought of this woman coming.  She says she may stay in bed and if she is asleep I will leave her there and deal with the woman myself.  I'm going to clarify that the patches are helping us to cut down significantly but that neither of us are in the right frame of mind to give up completely at the moment.  If she doesn't like it she can lump it as far as I'm concerned.  If I was an alcoholic I would be given money for alcohol!  Just found that out recently.  If I was a heroine addict? I'd be given methadone every day at the chemist, straight to the front of the queue!  We need to do this for ourselves and we won't succeed if someone tries to bully us into stopping.  If she won't continue to prescribe the patches for us to help us keep our smoking to a minimum she can shove them where the sun don't shine to be honest!  I'll buy the patches myself.  I'm getting wound up just thinking about it.  Oh well I'll go now and have a cig to help me calm down before she comes!  Mum and I have failed miserably since she was last here and yet prior to her visit were down to 3-5 a day.  I suppose we shouldn't blame anyone but ourselves and by the same token we will have to sort ourselves out and get back on track.

  • FormerMember

    Hi, i smoke about 20 cigs a day, i have

    decided to cut down, not because im

    being told by people to do so, because that would not work for me i would smoke

    even more if i was pushed not to. So i

    have cut down by allowing myself i cig

    every hour. Sometimes i have gone passed the hour, and sometimes just

    before, but i have cut down to 15a day

    next i am going for 2hours, great if i

    succeed, if i slip, well ill try again but i

    wont beat myself up about it.

    With Love Lucylee. xxx

  • FormerMember

    A woman after my own heart Lucylee!  Thank you for understanding.  Good luck with the next part of your plan.  Love Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi fellow smokers,

    I also have tried to stop and failed miserably, I think after reading Caroline and Lucylee's comments that cutting down gradually maybe the answer as stopping completely always fails for me when the withdrawal symptoms kick in!

    Best wishes to all,

                          Alison x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline, Lucylee's, Alison I do understand it's not easy for me either I still want a ciggie but I'm not going to have one. I do wish you all the best. x  

  • FormerMember

    i smoke ...

    i like a cig..

    i dont want to stop.....

    of course if i had lung cancer then i would stop if need be...

    or if stopping would help cure my non hodgkins lymphoma i would stop....

    funny thing is unlike some of my mates at school i never smoked when i was at school, i didnt start till i was about 24......

    still i dont drink and havent for about 20 years...i use to drink far to much.....

    i think its down to freedom of choice , if you smoke thats fine by me and if you dont thats also fine by me
