December 17th 2009 - Didn't make it to work!

1 minute read time.

I slept very little last night after the disappointment for mum and I that we may not be able to go up to Scotland for Christmas.  Mum had bounced back by this morning but I got up with a terrible migraine and couldn't go into work.  I'm trying so hard to be strong and support my mum but at the least little thing I become an emotional wreck.

I've still got a bit of a headache but I am, more or less, back on an even keel.  I had my swine flu jab this morning and the nurse said my mum should have come for hers.  I told her mums oncologist said there wasn't any point while she's having chemo as she has a suppressed immune system and the nurse said that was why she should be getting it because she's more at risk.  She explained that mum would get it in two parts because of her situation.  I wish all these health professionals would sing from the same hymn sheet on this as it is very confusing.  I've left a message with Christine telling her what the nurse said so hopefully she'll get back to me tomorrow.

Mum has actually felt slightly less tired today.  She continues to have a good appetite and her anti-sickness meds continue to do their job.  Today she was more concerned about me than herself, something that shouldn't be happening.  I need to pull myself together!

  • Hi Caroline

    You need to look after yourself too.

    Sorry you may not make it to Scotland this year. I enjoyed Christmas at home last year as it was just finished my treatment and felt good enough to cook for my family which I really enjoyed.

    There is always next year. Hope the headache goes soon. Its miserable I know as I suffer from migraines too.

    Hope you feel better this weekend.

    Sue xxxxxxxx