December 16th 2009 - PART 2!

1 minute read time.

Just had a bit of a blow.  My uncle phoned to say my cousin is really poorly with a bad cold or possibly flu.  This might have to put our trip to Scotland on hold as mums immune system will be at its lowest when we go up and none of us want to risk her getting anything.  She is, understandably, down and saying thigs like 'what's the point in having this treatment if I can't live my life!'  'I feel like a leper!'  'Not going to get better anyway'.  My strength of character crumbled and I have just cried my eyes out.  Christmas is about the gift of life.  I adore my mum and want her to enjoy her life with me and the rest of the family.  I have a strong faith but it has been shaken tonight.  Do we ignore the risks and go up or accept that she needs to be protected from infection for the next few months and stay at home?  Mum says she is disappointed but will be happy as long as she spends Christmas with me no matter where we are.  I'm crying again now as I just don't know what I'd do without her.  That's why I feel I've got to protect her.  Am I being selfish?  I need to do what she wants and what will make her happy.  

Ah well, tomorrow is another day.  I'll ring Christine, mums CNS, and see what she thinks.  They had told us to go ahead and go up to Scotland as long as everyone was healthy!  Can't think of the last time my cousin had even a sniffle.  My uncle is really worried Fionas daughter Rebecca will get it. She adores mum and is always kissing and cuddling her.  You can't tell a five year old not to go near her favourite great aunt.  I'm ranting, so off to bed now.  Best to sleep on it.

  • FormerMember

    guess at the end of the day all you can do is let your mum know of all the risks involved and then let her choose what she wants to do and go along with what she a patient myself and though i allways listen to what my specialist says and my chemo nurse and my mac nurse and friends say at the end of tha day i have the final say in what i do next...and i think your mum must allways have that final say as long as she knows she might pick up a bug or a virus, then again she could do that from just having a visit to the docs or a walk to the shops etc...yup, deff go with what your mum wants to do.....

  • FormerMember

    Morning I totally agree with Graeme, as long as your mom knows about the risks let her make up her own mind. I had my first cycle of chemo on the 27th November and on the 5th of December it was my sisters hen night. The chemo nurse told me that I probably wouldn't be able to go as my immune system would be down by then. We were going on a beer bus and then to a night club. I refused to let this thing rule my life and so I went and for one night forgot about all this cancer lark. I had a fantastic night even had too much to drink and ate some buffet food. It upset me to think that I would miss this I have waited so long to see my sister happy. What I am trying to say is that yes there are risks with where ever you go what you do but if your mom feels good and is sensible she can do what she wants. Did she have the flu jab before her treatment started if she did that should give her some immunity from catching it.

    What ever your mom decides I hope you have a fantastic Christmas and New Year xx