50th Birthday - Another first without mum!

1 minute read time.

I've been doing ok for a week or so but could feel the emotion building up over the past few days as I approached my 50th birthday.  Last night the dam burst and I dissolved in tears.  I couldn't stand the thought of spending my 50th without my wee mum.  I have always been with my mum on my birthday and for my 50th the plan was to celebrate it in New York, somewhere neither of us has been but always wanted to go.  Sadly it wasn't to be and now I'm not even sure I could ever visit New York no matter how much I want to go.

I've got through today without tears although there have been a few close calls.  I've had some lovely cards and gifts from my wonderful friends and family but it hasn't been a Happy Birthday, in fact, I'd go as far as to say it has been the most difficult 'first' without mum so far.  It is also the last 'first' without mum as I've now got through mums birthday, Christmas, Mothers Day and now my birthday.  It's almost 8 months since mum passed away and I miss her each, and every, day.  Don't get me wrong, I am moving on and there are now longer periods between bouts of tears.  In the next 7 weeks I have some big decisions to make about work but I am beginning to regain some confidence and feel more positive about my future.

Anyway, here I am, 50 years of age today and continuing to take small steps forward with just the occasional stumble along the way. 

  • FormerMember

    Im still gonna wiah you happy birthday, am sure your Mum would not have wanted you to be sad hun so raise a glass to her.  I still miss my Mum four years on but on each anniversay i raise a toast and thank her for all the wonderful things she was.

    Take care

    Jules xx

    PS My turn for 50 next year!!!!!

  • FormerMember

    Cels been thinking about you i know your getting there slowly.Hope things get a bit better for you  take care love junexx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Caroline,

    Like Jules I'm still going to say Happy 50th Birthday but totally understand the way you feel about the day. Glad to hear the confidence is coming back.

    Remember we are all here for the stumbles

    Love and Massive Hugs

    Max xxx

  • FormerMember

    Happy belated birthday Caroline. I tried to post yesterday on my mobile, but it wouldn't let me.

    I know what you mean about not even contemplating going to New York without your mum. My dad drove to Ayr every Sunday to a chinese restaurant. Since he died 14 months ago my mum has asked me loads of times to go there, but I couldn't possibly. I don't know if I'll ever be able to go back to Ayr beach with my grandsons. Only time will tell I suppose.

    I hope your birthday went as smoothly as possible. I often think about you and wonder how you are getting on.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Caroline,

    Well done for getting through your "worst first" since your Mum passed away and a Belated Happy Birthday too! I'm so sorry I missed it.

    My youngest sister can empathise more closely with you on this one as hers was the only 50th our Mum was not here for and it happened 3 weeks after our Mum died. I know it was without doubt the worst first for her too but, like you, she got throught the day somehow.

    Your Mum has been looking out for you all day and would be so proud to see how far you've come in such a short while!

    As to your work related decisions, I know that you will make the right ones and I hope all goes well. Take care.

    Love and hugs, Rose x x x ((((((((((hugs))))))))))) x x x