Breast Cancer

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Just found out my Mum has Breast Cancer. And on her lymph nodes (underarm). We are all devastated and we don't know what to do for her. She needs a Body scan to check if there is Cancer anywhere else. But it is going to take 3 weeks for the results, I don't know how I can keep strong for her. She has been complaining of a strange pain in her neck for a couple of months and my Mum is panicking it's cancer. Eventually she will need Surgery and chemotherapy and I don't want to think what's that gonna do to her. Please give me your stories and advice.

  • FormerMember

    HI, sorry to hear that, im a mum of 3 and i had to tell my children on my birthday last year 14th oct that i had cancer . As i am sure you are they where devasted, i asked them to stay as normal as possible and kept them up to date with everything i was going through. Your mum wont want you worrying and trying to be her carer , she will just need your hugs and consideration when shes not feeling to good,


    Little things always help us mums ........keep chatting if you feel up to it xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hello chick,

    I'm not saying I'm sorry to hear your news as when I was diagnosed I was sooooo fed up with people saying that. 

    I'm a single mum of 2  well one adult really my daughter is 18 and acts as my main support a lot of the time and I'm living with breast cancer - hey !! There are lots of us on here and all of us will share our experiences with you, ask away,

    In my experience and my kids too, the first month waiting for results, body scans, bone scans etc is worse as you imagine the worse and the waiting for results is nerve racking, I don't obviously know what your mum is like, for me I was able to talk to my kids and friends open and honestly but everyone is different. The first month around diagnosis your emotions are all over the place with shock, anger, disappointment, questioning , everything settles down. It's more frightening worrying about the treatments than sometimes having them, I've had a mascectomy and lymph clearance and now half way through chemo. 

    Add me as a friend if you want to inbox me or generally drop into the breast cancer forum, both you and your mum will be well supported there. they are a great bunch and I've met new friends.

    Oh and call Macmillan whenever !! They were great when I was first diagnosed with questions and support , good luck and remember you are definitely not alone xoxox

  • FormerMember

    I can understand your worry. My Mum had tests that took 3 weeks and the worry was awful. Mum has been diagnosed now and if anything was a relief although devastating. But we now know what we are dealing with. My Mum is incredibly strong and I find more strength by being with her!!! She thinks she is lucky as she has time to get her life in order before the inevatible happens!!! I am now adjusting to taking one day at a time and waiting to see the Oncologist with her on Monday. I joined this site yesterday, and had my first good nights sleep last night. You will find your strength xx