My Mum

  • My mammy


    Well mum had radiotherapy two big blasts to shrink the tumor but it did not work still struggleing with toilet issues we now have the end of life team in - nice people but confusing for mum strangers in the flat 14 hours a day we are covering 10 hours. They have told us it won't be long now it is very hard seeing her loose weight everyday and not eating but still going to the loo don't know where it is coming from - fingers…

  • Pain


    Still waiting for the letter mum is quite sore and has a pulling pain not sure if that is a result of the sigmoidoscopy will have to speak with GP 

  • My Mum


    Well unlike some this is a new experience for me my mum aged 81  took her to the doctors with what I thought was piles and the GP said there and then it was cancer you could have knocked me down with a feather today she had a  sigmoidoscopy and we saw pictures of it. Not sure what they can do as mum has quite advanced dementia we are awaiting their decision.