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Mother is very sad about uncle going into the nursing home. She's lost and lonely. When she passes his chair and he's not in it..she says the house is too quiet because he's not rambling away! She also keeps thinking she can hear him in the night.. After all the pain and upset she's caused me over the years, I still feel so sorry for her at the must be awful being in the house they've shared for over 30 years! I've rang her 4 times today and each time she's been crying, and each time we've ended the conversation with a giggle, but I know she's sad.....And that makes me sad too. Have spent today washing and ironing uncles clothes and putting name tags in everything..I'll go and see him again in the morning then report to mother after I've been, if he's settled perhaps I can take mother to see him later on in the week?? I realise this is going to change things with mother, but am worried at what's to come?? Thank you everyone for listening to my ramblings... Mandy Xxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    *hugs* It must be almost like a bereavement for your mum. And you don't have to like someone to feel sorry for them. I hope your uncle's settling into the home, at least.


  • FormerMember
    You're right, it is like a bereavement, I'm just worried about how it's going to take its toll on her but all I can do is take each day as it comes I suppose. Thanks for the much needed hug.Xx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Mandy, sorry I missed this somehow. I guess all you can do is take one day at a time and remember to look after yourself too...

    Hav a huge hug from me too... (((((((((((((((mandy))))))))))))))))))))


  • FormerMember

    Mandy, you're an angel!

    Have some hugs from me.

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember
    Thank you lovies..feel much happier today about things, so happy uncle is content. I've just written a blog but don't know where it went????? ( blonde moment) Gotta go and straighten my halo, it's slightly on the wonk!!!! Odin hugs to you Hun.xx LM hugs to you too..xx In fact hugs to everyone..!!!