Mothers carer!!

1 minute read time.
Not written for ages, life seems to just whizz by and befor you know it a month or so has passed by. Uncle really has been the priority this passed month, having had to put him into emergency respite because it was just too hard keeping him at home with mother.but after about 10 days in there he was admitted to hospital, so he's been in there for over 3 weeks now while they sorted out different problems. He celebrated his 90 th birthday in the hospital and the nurses where great with him,singing happy birthday and getting him a cake, he was thrilled and is convinced that this 'hotel' is marvellous!! But the sorting out of his care package has been a nightmare, because he was only in the nursing home as temporary that complicated matters! So lots of form filling and being passed from one social worker to another but hopefully he will be discharged on Monday, having just been informed the social services will take all his pension to cover the cost of the nursing home, leaving him with £22 measly quid a week...Shameful!! Mother has been just as demanding as always, but must say on the whole her tumour doesn't seem to be giving her much trouble at the mo. She has said she gets terrible pains behind her eyes a lot but she thinks with new glasses that will go!! I haven't the heart to tell her it's probably the BT. Think I'm due a call to her GP soon, it's always good to catch up with her and get her view in mother. Mothers ridiculous demands for buying stupid things hasn't waned much, she recently bought an ironing press off QVC, she doesn't do any ironing..I do it! She's also bought 3 winter coats and numerous pieces of crap jewelry, all from QVC, bloody nightmare! Apologies for no paragraphs etc, iPad doesn't do them!! I'm planning another day of running away soon, don't know where I'll go or if I take hubby but now and again it's just great to escape and do silly things. Or as hubby says: embarrass him!! Much love to you all. Mad Mandy.xxxx
  • FormerMember
    I'm liking this!!! Sounds like a plan....Watch this space!!! This thoughts gonna keep me awake all night! Thanks Hun.xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Mandy,

    Tim's suggestion made me laugh!

    You are still mutitasking and I don't know how you manage it! You deserve a special day whatever it costs and whether you think you need it or not! If that makes sense???

    Social services are heartless and money grabbing; I had a job to keep their hands off my Mum's money. One guy came and wanted to know how many bedrooms the house had!

    Have you spoken to macmillan about this? They may have ideas about what to claim for, after all you are the main carer and I would have thought you should have some help with your expenses.

    Meantime, have some big hugs and plenty of spoons.

    Don't forget that pamper day!

    Odin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Shame you can't channel your mum's credit card into your uncle's account haha!!

    But you MUSt do the spa thingy! You will love it and you most definitely deserve it :))

    Love and cwtchs xxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Social Services have no shame as Hilary says.Have the pamper day you have more than earned it one place I went in Stafford a while ago was fantastic its called Hoar Cross Hall look it up on the internet costly but a great place to unwind and be pampered.Don't know how your going to stop your mum from spending unless her card suddenly gets lost. Sending you more spoons and plenty of hugs Cruton xxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    More spoons and hugs on the way to you xxxxxxx

    The spa day sounds a good plan, GO FOR IT. You need timeout to recharge.

    As I said on your status, the elderly are at the bottom of social services pile, it's soooooo wrong and soooooo annoying.

    Have you got a cunning plan yet to sort out mums QVC buying?

    Take care

    Jan xxxxxx