10 weeks on

Less than one minute read time.

Its actually 10 weeks 2 days 1 hour and 6mins since we said goodbye and most of my life is in some sort of order. The house is clear of her personal posessions and her ashes lie in the garden. I have no photos on show as I prefer the memories I hold and I live in the house that was lovingly put together by her.

The tears dried up some time ago, I'm off the anti-depressants, I am fitter than I have been for a long time. Next week I am taking .5Kg of ashes to her favorite spot in Italy and that will be the last I can do for her.

The last 7 years have been hard, I would not wish them on anybody, but if I had to go through it again, I would have no hesitation.

Its hard to say but I am in a happy place now. The Prognosis was accurate in our case, and we spent Julie's last 3 years grieving together, so now I don't grieve alone.

Hugs and Kisses to all on the Mac site


  • FormerMember

    Hi Stuart, lovely to hear you are doing so well. Your latest post brought tears to my eyes, it is so beautiful. I hope Italy helps even more. Take care.... thinking of you. Pam xx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Stuart,

    So glad that you are starting to heal, totally understand about the grief you both  shared my husband and i have been too since his diagnosis,he now sadly is in our local Hospice i know it's the start of the end.

    Have a wonderful time in Italy and may the happy memories you have of your wife continue to give you strength when you need them.

    All the very best

    Emma XX

  • FormerMember
    Hi Stuart, I'm glad that you're starting to piece together a different life for yourself. It's not the one you would have chosen but you sound to be making the most of it, well done you. Stay strong, love Vikki x
  • FormerMember

    Dear Stuart

    So glad you are in a happier place!  Enjoy Italy.

    All the very best

    Georgia XX