My Lovely Wife Julie 8

Less than one minute read time.

Things have been a lot better the last few days.  No Nausea, the odd small vomit, but nothing to worry about - usually the result of a coughing fit.  The cough is easing up though now - the antibiotics must be taking effect.

It shouldn't be too long before we can get out again - out of our prison and into some fresh air, maybee visit some local friends.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mate,

    Glad you can see a bit of light in the tunnel now. Hope the weather gets a bit warmer soon for all  of us great to go out and not dressed in furs !! Take care and give Julie a big hug from a Mac Mate Please !!

    Love your stamina and you know I am here for both of you if you ever need a chat stuart - not a problem !!


    J xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Stuart,

    Just to reiterate what John Says we are he for you and Julie if you want a chat. Glad to see things improving,

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Glad that things are looking up. It will be lovely for both of you to go out and I hope you can do this very soon.

    Fingers crossed that Julie continues to improve.

            Take care,

                Love lizzie xx

  • FormerMember

    Good morning Mr. and Mrs.Sadman, hope Julie is even better today and you are able to get out for some fresh air.  The sun may not be shining and its cold outside, but cover up and get out there and breath the fresh air of Spring - I wish you both well and thanks for keeping us all informed - you both have come such a long, hard way.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Stuart

    glad to hear that Julie a bit brighter

    It will be lovely to get out and about

    love to both of you

    take care love janice xx