Work not working

2 minute read time.

Despite my promises to myself to give my job a fair chance it looks as though I've managed to last all of two days because after this morning I'm almost certain I can never go back again.  I just don't need the stress or the misery.  My job has changed out of all recognition and I just don't feel up to the challenge of learning all the new tasks they want me to take on.  I had to choke back tears more than once and took in almost nothing I was being shown.  All I could think of was that if watch and wait finishes and chemotherapy has to begin then I will have wasted weeks or months doing something I loathe when I could have been doing something I like.

At the same time I feel so useless for not being able to cope when there are people with cancer and other serious diseases, who have no choice but to drag themselves to work, like it or not.

Walked the long way home when I left the office but felt very tired and as though I was walking through glue.  On one hand I wish it was Friday so that I can get to know my blood test results, on the other I don't want Friday to come because until a doctor tells me my blood count has fallen there is still a chance that it's OK. such a stupid way to think really!

I also feel very frustrated at my continual need to empty my bladder when I'm walking (sorry if too much information for anyone reading).  For years I planned every journey or day out around needing to find a loo or a convenient (but private) bush, then about 3 years ago I had a fibroid removed and this aspect of my life was transformed.  Now suddenly out of the blue about 3 weeks ago - and seemingly overnight - I reverted right back to where I had been.  No sign of any infection (2 lots of antibiotics and 2 tests), so GP thought I might have irritable bladder caused by my organs still settling themselves down in the space created by the removel of my massively enlarged spleen in December. 

I've been taking medication supposed to control this for almost 2 weeks now and nothing has changed.  GP says she doesn't think it's a new fibroid as I had unltrasound and CT scans several times prior to my operation, and once after due to an obstructed bowel, and she thinks any new fibroids would have been noted.  So I feel scared it might be a new cancer symptom (because let's face it, ANYTHING out of the ordinary causes worry in case it is a new symptom) and angry, no, VERY ANGRY that before I've even had a chance to go on holiday with my family and do  normal things with them I haven't been able to do for a few years, it's all being snatched away.

  • FormerMember

    Oh Taurus,

    I so feel for you but you are not alone. This is a syndrome that we all have of thinking the cancer is coming back because of this symptom or that. I do hope you get it sorted soon and get some peace of mind.

    In the meantime, your problems at work aren't helping. Why not ring up and talk to mac on 0808 808 00 00 who can advise you on going back to work and how to resolve this issue of learning new things. That doesn't seem fair to put on someone returning to work after cancer.

    Good luck and big hugs,

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hey you.....well done for making it through the door in the first instance :-).....and I would feel exhausted even having to walk around the corner from the office if it makes you feel that bad - it just saps all your emotions and takes a lot to "stay strong" in front of others....I am writing in complete haste but just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you and sending you a big go and have a very large G&T or similar!!!  Clare xxx

  • Awwww Taurus big hugs xxx As for the constant need to go wee lol, I have the same but it is almost always increased when my anxiety is high and this I am told for some reason is a symptom of anxiety. I can imagine you are quite anxious now as you wait for results etc so could be a simple cause for your increased loo habits xxx
  • Hi Taurus I understand were your coming from.I chose not to return to work partly because the job was highly stressful and partly to have time to do other things that seemed more important to me.Guess cancer changed my priorities and things that used to be important now seem trivial.I guess in a way I was lucky to be able to give up work not everyone can you have to do what you feel is right for you and what makes you happy.My friend who also had cancer finished work even though it was financially difficult she said I want to make happy memories not do things that make me stressed or unhappy.The waiting game is always so tough and I hope everything goes well for you and for sure anything out the ordinary does make you think the worst I do hope that everything works out well for you,you certainly deserve it wishing you all good things Scraton xxxx
  • FormerMember

    i feel the same this is my 3rd week back at work after being off with breast cancer for 5 mths my first day back was horried my deputy manager had the cheek to ask me what i was off for rrrrrrrrrrr  it has changed so much lots of new staff that dont know what the hell they are doing but have the cheek to tell me what to do i have been there 12 years and i would class myself as a very good care worker, i am there for my residents and what makes them happy makes me happy i am building my hrs up slowly 12 hrs for my fist 3 weeks next week will be 20 hrs 4 hr shifts i am tried all the time. i even cried when i went to work on wedsenday i just dont what to be there, but like everyone else need the money.