My Leukemia Blog

  • Allergies, Anaphylaxes and that sort of thing...


    Hallo again!

    I'm one of those people who has lifelong problems with certain drugs and foods.  Mostly, my anaphylaxes (which is a severe form of allergy which is life-threatening therefore I have to avoid certain drugs) are fairly common; things like Penicillin and Elastoplast.  But, unfortunately for me, I'm also anaphylactically allergic to Beta-Lactems and Cephalosporins (both antibiotics which are vaguely related…

  • Tiredness, MacMillan Organizer & General Musings


    This is probably only going to be of interest to me!  I seem to be becoming more navel-gazing as the days go by but, even if this blog serves only as a record for me to look back on, that's ok!

    I was diagnosed with leukemia about a year ago.  I'm never sure in things which have public viewing, just how much detail to go into so I'll just add some basics for now and maybe add more detail as I go along.  For the…