My Journey through Breast Cancer and Beyond. An introduction.

1 minute read time.

Hi all, I'm Shaz,

This is my story,

2015 wasn't a very good start. I found a lump in my breast and it was cancer. This blog is about what happened, what I went through and what I'm about to go through. 

I thought I'd let you know a bit about myself. I am 56 years young and a mother of three (Divorced), two grown up with families of their own and a 15 year old daughter living with me. Life has been a struggle financially for about 37 years after I left home. The one thing I'm proud of is I think, well I know is that I have 3 well adjusted and decent human beings for children, albeit 2 big and one not so big.

I decided to write a blog about my personal experience since I found a lump in my breast, and through my experiences and treatments I hope I can help others who are going through the same thing or similar. One thing I do know, before I had breast cancer, I was scared of even saying the word "Cancer" and never thought it would happen to me, there was no family history so I was never worried, but it did and I have to live with that, but I'm going to "live" with it and I already have a different outlook on life and for the good. Anyone wanting to comment can and I will reply the best I can.

Shaz x

Life is precious, take it in both hands and run with it.

  • FormerMember

    Hello Shaz

    Thank you for sharing your blog with your experiences so far with breast cancer treatment. I shall be very interested in your cancer treatment and how things go from here after your lumpectomy and SN biopsy. I have been on letrozole for a year now prior to surgery as my tumour was 48mm. It has decreased in size and will be having surgery at some point this summer when it is small enough for a lumpectomy.

    My thoughts are with you

    best wishes


  • FormerMember

    Hi Heather,

    I hope all goes well for you for your soon to be operation. You've had it tough having to wait all this time before your op. My lump was only 17mm so I only had to wait 2 weeks for mine.

    I've had my lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy, had it on the 1st April, it went fine and now just waiting for the results, it looks likely I'll have hormone therapy as well as rads as my ER and PR wer positive 8;8. My HER2 was negative so that was good news.

    I will post any updates as and when.

    Shaz x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Shaz, my story is very similar. No history of cancer in the family and luckily no friends with BC so this is so alien. I was diagnosed in Feb, had a WLE and sentinel node biopsy on 23/03 and went for my follow up this week.

    My tumour was only 13mm, my margins are clear and no lymph node involvement. I'm ER and PR 7:8 but also HER2+ which seems to be a game changer. I'm waiting to see the oncologist to find out if it's chemo next as suggested by my surgeon - seems like a sledgehammer approach and something I'm not prepared to accept lightly unless they can show me definite risk to benefit figures.

    Im also on B12 injections so I guess we can exchange tiredness emails in the future

    Good luck with your results.

    Lee x