2nd June my letter has arrived

1 minute read time.

well I'm on count down now , my admission letter arrived this morning so at least I don't have to wait over the long weekend, I'm going in for surgery on 20th June - 18 days and counting, At last I have a time frame , I can sort out work, tidy the house and organise my sky + ( very important)

one thing I'm not too thrilled about is that the hospital I'm going to has a system where everyone having surgery that day goes to the surgical admission unit then to theatre and then they are taken to the ward, the letter says that they unit is small so you can't have a friend or relative with you and you can only take a small bag with 'clean slippers, nghtie, toileties and a book . I have to go in a 7.30am  and my operation will take place between 9-5 ! so I could be sat there for up to 8 hours alone . I'm sure it very efficent and if I was just having bunion done I wouldn't mind but support is vital for cancer warriors and I'm going to call the unit manager as it suggests just to talk it through. I think my problem is --- confession --- I'm a nurse and I remember the good old days when people where admitted to the ward the day before and you cared for them and they went from the ward and came back to the same bed. Now hospitals are getting more and more like production lines, I have also been told that the hospital works towards a 23 hours discharge !! I think soon if you are having surgery you will just sit on conveyer belt and travel through the different areas till you end up out side again.

I don't want to stay in hospital for weeks like my patients used to but I have 3 new pairs of pyjamas to wear !!!



  • FormerMember

    I love your blog posts, they made me laugh and think to myself I need to get a grip and not stress so much about what is going to happen to me in the next few weeks.  I was diagnosed with Thyroid cancer a few weeks ago and joined the Thyroid cancer group last night, which was great.  I am freaking out about surgery, not ever having been in hospital let alone A&E it is a very very alien world to me, one which I thought I would never have to experience perhaps only though child birth (unless the man of my dreams comes along while I am lying in bed with a huge cut round my neck, I will be waiting a while for that one).

    Your lighthearted approach is fab, I wish I could think that way, it would ease things greatly. I must give it a go. 

    All the best with your count down and op, mine is 11 days, I will be in the day before to be popped at some more I am sure, don't know what to expect that day, other than trying to stop my legs from shaking 24/7.

    All the best


  • FormerMember

    Hi there,

    didn't see this one, just commented on the other! I am a bit of a silly one and like to see the positive in it all too.. I have arse cancer (sorry anal officially) so  had 2 ops now and chemo and radiation and out the other side now. Check up next week to see I am ok and its all gone. Waiting is the worst bit and once you are there and in it all its weirdly ok cos you are just on that journey as you say of getting back to you, or the new you I should say, cos we change a bit along the way...

    I had exactly the same thing with my recent op (reversal of my colostomy)  I had to go and sit in a room at 7.30am and wait for op and then get moved to ward afterwards. So annoying as you can't unpack your bag or anything before hand and obviously unpacking afterwards is tricky!

    They told me I was second on the list so shouldn't wait too long, but ended up sitting there till 3pm. On the plus side, as you are sat in a small room with the other people, you do have some company and someone to talk to which did distract me a bit from worrying...

    I would take a book or some headphones and curl up for a snooze if I was you... that is what I ended up doing  in the end after I had paced up and down a million times and run out of things to say to the woman opposite who started to annoy me with her whining about how awful the wait was and how bad she felt and how she would die of dehydration etc blah blah and then I discovered she was in to get a skin tag removed that she had insisited the surgeon do- 5 min cosmetic job... I nearly hit her with my colostomy bag haha...

    There was another woman there who was with her husband and he wasn't allowed in the room as we were all in our silly gowns... she sat outside the room with him, so you may be able to do that.

    Sorry, I blab on too much sometimes.

    Wishing you all the luck with it all and a big hug to you

    Little My xxx


  • FormerMember

    hi and thanks for the comments ,it helps to know that others feel the same, Iexpect that there will be others waiting for a mastectomy like em as wednesday is my surgeons ops day and boob removal is his speciality . I refuse to be any thing but postive as I'm a complete believer that your state of mind can influence what happens to you , so Iwill continue in that way and write about my journey and if it helps some one else then it will be a blessing


    love to all

    Elaine xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    I had the production line thing when I had my laparoscopy done - six hours on nil by mouth. Luckily I was asleep for most of it, and I was allowed to have a friend with me.

    I'm sure your jammies will all get worn!

    - Hilary