1st June 2012 the start of my journey

1 minute read time.

just 6 weeks ago my life was normal, I went to work, texted my friends , spoke to my daughter and watched TV in the evening unaware that my whole world was just about to be turned upside down, My routine mamagram was the next day - no worries it wasn't my first and the only reason I wasn't really looking forward to it was because the radiographer at the last one had been less than pleasent but never mind it was only 5 minutes and then forget it for 3 years, ... move forward 3 weeeks and I'm sitting in the breast clinic in a hospital gown being told that there are changes in my right breast  , I need a needle biopsy , would  like the results by letter, where would I want the surgery - this can't be right I'm not ill , I don't have a lump , there must be a mistake but of  course not modern medicine has found the alien in my boob , then I'm sat in front of a surgeon saying the words you dread- mastectomy, chemo, it still feels unreal but after the shock the postive side presents itself - a free boob job -YEH for me as the wrong side of 50 and generous in the boob department this is good news - then I went out meet a friend and shared a bottle of wine , and then had  another one with my daughter in the evening , and the next day I went to a wedding reception and dance and drank and laughed -the best weekend I've had in ages

so now here I am , I've seen my surgeon who has confirmed that I have 1 area of cancer and 1 area of pre cancer in my right breast, plus cells in 1 lymph node so full mastectomy, chemo, hormone treatment +/- radiotherapy and herceptin. I've seen a plastice surgeon and I'm on his waiting list (12-18 months) for a reconstruction of the right and reduction of the left boob, I've checked out the websites that sell scarves and hats for the chemo, I now I just need the letter to arrive with my date for surgery so that I can start the journey back to me

  • FormerMember
    Hi Elaine, So sorry to hear about your cancer, just wanted to wish you good luck with everything, you have the right attitute keep it up it does help to be positive. There are lots of other wonderful ladies on here who have the same and they will be a great help and comfort to you. Am sending you a big hug, Pam x
  • FormerMember

    Hi Elaine

    I'm sorry to hear you've had to join the rest of us with cancer...but you can't be on a better place than here. It's taken me long enough to join after months of reading everyone's stories.

    You certainly sound like you have a positive attitude, stay that way and enjoying yourself too!. Sending you lots and lots of good luck and positive vibes with everything. There definitely are wonderful ladies on here, I agree with Pam.

    Take care. Melanie x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Elaine

    I'm sorry you've found yourself here, but you sound as if you have everything well in hand - and, once the treatment starts, you know you're on the path to recovery.

    Stay positive. Cancer wants you to be depressed and miserable - don't give him the pleasure!


    - Hilary

  • FormerMember


    I was diagnosed in May 2010, also right breast, and have had full mastectomy, chemo, herceptin, radiotherapy, reconstruction on right side and breast reduction on left side, just the same as your planned treatment. Just to let you know that I am now back at work full time, and have just got back from a brilliant holiday abroad!!  Boobs now look better than they did in my 30's (I am 51) so every cloud has a silver lining! Seriously, it is a scary time, and the treatment can sometimes be tough, but keep positive and remember there is normal life at the end of it all. Good luck with everything, thinking of you x


  • FormerMember

    The others said what I would have said too.... so just to add keep a good attitude, it helps enormously and a big hug and good luck and this site a great for support of all kinds from a hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on or a friend to have a real good laugh with :)

    Little My xxx