my journey

  • feeling guilty


    Hi All

    Feeling a little guilt after my good news i was so happy and shared it with the world and his wife about my treatment finishing on christmas eve .

    But after any high there is a low

    Its now that i feel guilty because i know that there are people who are dreading this season ,people who will feel so alone in a room full of family and friends because a special someone isn't there ,for the ones who will wake up…

  • best xmas present ever


    Yesterday i went for my daily zap of radation and while lying on the bed i got the best news ever ,i was looking at having my last full zap on christmas eve with a week off then returning in january for 5 booster sessions but the nurse told me what what he has planned now is to do the booster alone side next weeks sessions so i will finish christmas eve ,i can tell you i cried i don't care now if i fry next week and have…

  • half way through rt


    I'm now half way through my RT and so far so good after all my worries skin is a little pink but i have been putting on plenty of cream so here to the next 10 sessions then it will be christmas it does leave me 5 sessions at the start of next year but my aim for this year is to enjoy christmas with my family and friends and admire my new hair (LOL)so lots of christmas wishes to everyone and heres to a happier, healthier…

  • tomorrow step 2 finish line in sight


    Tomorrow i will be going to meet my next set of nurses the ones that will be with me on the radiation step of my treatment i'm sure they will be as nice as the chemo nurses or the breast nurse who where with me at the start of the horrible trip . I have to say they all have been brilliant which does help.

    I'm now quite nervous about the radiation side effects i was really lucky not to suffer to bad through the chemo…

  • tomorrow will be great


    This is the first time i have blogged ,i've been on this this site for a few months now so here goes.


    Tomorrow i have my last chemo WOO HOO ,

    It has been something that i could have done without and when i found out i needed to have chemo i was so scaried as the only time i had seen anthing in connection with chemo was on the TV thankfully i have weather the storm very well no really bad side effect so i'm thankful…