work monday

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this week has flown by, I  think am ready to go back tomorrow keep fingers crossed, am feeling 85% ok and for a first time in ages I have not been bored the whole fortnight I have  been off, well first week was after chemo and was in bed a lot second week just vegging and not bored seems strange, will let you know how I get on.

Take care


  • FormerMember

    Hi, Mark

    everything crossed for you - the whole thing is surreal, isn't it? Vegging is perhaps the body's way of suggesting that it's the right thing to do to allow recovery! Hope the return to work is ok - you'll probably be shattered by lunchtime!!!

    Sue xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Mark. Hope that work goes okay for you, but don't forget to take it easy all the same - you are still recovering ! Love, Joycee xx

  • I agree, don't run before you can walk. I can remember trying to impress the world with how 'fit' I was when treatment ended, only to find myself wilting like a wet lettuce! Be kind to yourself.
