not sure good idea

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hey guys,

not sure if it was a brilliant idea going back to work so soon, have been plodding on for the 3 weeks but am so exhausted at the moment and cannot get rid of this headache and feeling so drained all the time, have had 3 weeks continued work and ok had one or two days where I have thought that cannot go in, but have done so.

feel a bit awkward now just asking if I can go in part time for the time being as they dont usually do this unless you are back from maternity leave, sadly I cannot make that my excuse.

need this chemo out of my body so I can try and at least get back to some normality again

kee you updated guys, thanks for readiing my whinging again 




  • FormerMember

    Hi Mark,

    Jules is right, your doctor can issue you a well note. You're just as entitled to time off as someone on maternity, your condition is just as exhausting and traumatic to the body. If you push yourself too hard you're going to make progress slower, not quicker so be kind to yourself and enquire about taking the time off. The two women we've had at work who had had chemo have both been given time off on full pay when it was required for their health while they were on the treatment.

    Take care of yourself! Love Vikki x

  • FormerMember


    thanks for that, sorry not got back to you guys sooner, unsure what to do if to ask if I can go part time for a whle, as so shattered at the moment and with christmas around the corner need the money for bills, sadly these do not go away ill or health wise, just need to get this tiresness and exhaustion out of my body, I want to do so many things but its stopping me doing them, need to get to the gym as this testosterone has put so much weight on me feel like a pot bellied pig, have lost my appetite as well and evryone is moanng at me to eat but just dont feel like it and nibble when i am peckish, does this make any sense to anyone??

    Agagin thank guys



  • FormerMember

    Hello Mark. Sorry to sound harsh, but I'm afraid that work and the gym don't go when you are already feeling tired and exhausted. If you push your body to the limits then you are only putting recovery back, also if you have lost your appetite then a bit of extra weight won't hurt for the time being. We all want to get better and be back to ' normal ' again, but these treatments take their toll and we have to be patient. Please look after yourself and take care, Mark. Love, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mark

    At the moment your head is telling you something but your body is not responding.As far as eating is concerned I can go for 4 days with nothing to eat. So you can see your symtons are not un usual. One thing you must keep up are your fluids. I felt I was two persons living in one body thinking about what you use to be able to do compared to what you can actually do which is so frustrating. But I had to come to turns with the fact that is that is exactully what I am .My whole outlook has been adapted to my circumstances, which is very hard  to do. So listen to your body and work along with it, then perhaps you will start to feel better. Also have a word with your mac nurse or dr.Explain how you and they will be able to give you helping info on what you are entiled to as far benefits or go to c.a.b. Hope this has been helpful ,regards jonnie

  • FormerMember

    I know how you feel, I'm getting back to work in a few weeks, iv been off 6 months and now money stopping feel I should go back and also getting fed up at home. I'm only doing half hours but I'm nervous as I look different to how I was 6 months ago and not sure how tired I will be. I'm seven weeks out and haven't really pushed myself. We all just have to see how we feel but maybe not rush to get back to normal when we have been through such a lot. Easier said than done when your head says do it ! And your body can't!

    Sorry I'm waffling!

    Jayne x