First week

Less than one minute read time.

Hey guys,

promised would keep you updated, well, went back to work last monday an was pretty wiped out by yesterday-Friday but had half day on Friday as appointment at the Christie in the afternoon, consultant was pretty happy with the results although a little concerned regarding my testosterone levels and he is wondering if I am not having enough, he is going to check the Endocrinologist for me and get back to me next week, the pain is now starting to go near the opsite though when it does hurt, well , the air does turn blue but thats another story lol, will probably be banned on here.

Anyways only half an essay today lol, hope everyone is doing ok and still going for that light toward the end of the tunnel, is a struggle but you will get there.

keep you updated guys and again thanks for your support

Take care



  • FormerMember

    Hi Mark, glad that things are going well for you.

    As for going for the light at the end of the tunnel, if what I've heard from some ppl about that one, I'll give it a miss for a while thanks lol. Only joking, I know what you mean.

    Just don't overdo things on the work front, you don;t want to be taking a step backwards.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend and you manage to get that pain under control.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Mark. Good to know that things are going okay for you. However, as Christine said, don't go and burn yourself out at work ! Yes, it's a long tunnel but the light gets closer every day and the pain fades away. Take care. Love, Joycee xx

  • Hello Mark,

    Glad to see you are coming through it, and able to go back to work, that in it self is a great pychological boost that i found made me feel like i had turned the corner and that it was not the end after all.

    I hope it all goes well for you and you continue to make a full recovery.

    I have been back to work now since mid January and still feel wacked out at the end of every shift i wonder how long this will last and hope it will get better in time.

    Keep smiling & take care.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Mark,

    Glad things are going ok for you and you're able to get back to work. Fingers crossed things continue to look up and be careful not to do too much too fast and burn yourself out! All the best, Vikki