Fed up now

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Am doing ok now had my carboplatin treatment done last Friday, my body wants to do things but head is telling me 'not a chance' had severe headaches and nausea that is now under control with Metoclopramide 10mg and for the heartburn managed to get some Omeprazole 20mg they are starting to kick in now, so can eat a little more without the burning sensation all the time, bit fed up now though as I had assigned myself off from work this week and completely rest, but doc has said that she wants me off next week as well, I didn't ask for it and was intending to go back to see what I could do, and if it was too much then I would have just said be back next week, does anyone know when this sort of heady feeling lifts or disappears it is now 5 days now since the treatment, or do I just have to sit this one out now. just feels like I am in a dream world.



  • FormerMember

    Hello Mark. Just spotted your post before all the bloggers filled the spaces up with their rubbish ! I'm so sorry that you are still feeling rough and the fact that I can't really give any advice as I didn't have the chemo, so no experience of it at all. However, if you are not feeling right then have another word with the Doc about it - but it doesn't sound like you will be fit for work just yet anyway. All these treatments really knock the stuffing out of you and the main thing is to take it easy and rest - yes, you are probably fed-up of that one ! Heed and take care, hope things improve soon. Love, Joycee xx