Carboplatin 'done'

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Hey guys,

well had it done yesterday and dont know what all the fuss was about, typical me, I think it was fearing the unknown, and that is never me anyway.

Went ok took all day though bored and at the end of it tired, but think that was the hanging about and waiting.feeling a bit nausias at the moment and still really tired but hanging in there.

Saturday, managed to get to work today, it was only 4 hours but ut stopped the naggin in case I rang in sick, was ok to drive as well, though this afternoon my legs feel like jelly maybe a bit wobblier than usual and felt a little sick, had my nausia tablets but no more until tomorrow morning.

catch you laters guys and again thanks for your support 


  • FormerMember

    Hello Mark. Glad all went well yesterday - yes, it is the fear of the unknown that is unsettling. I well remember the terror of waiting my turn to enter ' The Chamber ' aka the Radiotherapy Suite - but the staff were marvellous and did all they could to allay my fears of the ' Machine ' !

    Please do have plenty of rest and don't go over-doing things - take it easy and read a good book ! Take care and all my best wishes. Love, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mark,

    Glad all went well, It was all worth it in the end. All the best and good luck.

    Take care and be safe Sarsfield.

  • FormerMember

    Great News Mark,

    Glad you came away feeling ok'ish but more important another step along the road.

    Same as most of the treatment the scarest bit is fear of the unknown ! - Nothing wrong with that - we have all been there.

    Not looking to depress you mate, some of the treatments can be scary - but worth it, the alternative of not having it is so much more scarry - honest - lol

    So another Mancunian huh - living a little north of there now - Rochdale and used the new Christies at Oldham - nothing but praise for them !

    Hope the rest goes as well - take  care mate


  • FormerMember

    Hi Mark,

    Glad that it went ok and not as bad as you feared.

    Hope you find time to rest in the next few days, do what your body is telling you to do.


  • FormerMember

    Great news Mark - another one you can tick off the list.  Now you just need to take it easy. xx