Just found out

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Found out my mum has cancer on Thursday. She has bowel cancer and secondry liver cancer.  Feels like Ive been floating in a nightmare.  I have so many questions. Glad I found this site. Mum had a stoma bag fitted this morning. Called the hospital shes doing ok. Im going to visit her tommorow

  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry about your mum Lisa, it's so hard when you first hear the news, taking it all in is terribly difficult. I hope your mum is feeling comfortable and that your family is coping as well as possible. There's loads of people on here who have been through what you're going through so it's a really great place to find support, advice and a sympathetic ear! All the best, Vikki xxx

  • FormerMember

    As a patient with secondaries on the liver following an operation for bowel cancer (unlike your mother, I did not need a stoma my surgeon managed to join up what was left of the bowel), I offer my best wishes for you and your mum.

    No one can predict exactly what will happen, but there is one thing you can be sure of. On this site there are many people who are going through what you are and there support is always unstinting.


  • FormerMember

    My mum didnt need a stoma in the end either . They were going to do a clostomy but didnt need to they managed to do a bypass I think Im no good at the right words but I imagine they did the same as what they did to you Mike. We were all very happy for her as so is she. x


  • FormerMember

    just to add looked at my original post where I said my mum had a stoma bag fitted I thought she had as thats what they intended, But when I went today she showed me the scar  and her consultant gave us the good news x

  • FormerMember

    Mums had to go back into theatre this morning. Her bowel was leaking she shouldve been walklng around by now and going to the toilet. She hasnt been though. They are now going to have to fit a stoma bag.