Sinead O'Connor Hair Cut Is In!

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Well got hubby to buzz al me hair off with his cutters and already the soreness is easing.  The nicknames are starting my daughter is calling me egg lol but hey Sinead O'connor had her hair like this when I was in me teens. x

  • FormerMember

    Dont worry about it. Iam as bald as a Coot and you want to hear some of the names Ive been called.

    Sticks and stones etc.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    But it will grow back and pretty quick too from what I hear.  Mine alas fell out due to radiotherapy to the brain and has regrown very thin and sparse......but I now sport the 80's bon jovi look with a wide fabric headband.  

    I too was a teenager of the 80's so I guess I am just reliving my youth LOL

    Glad to hear the 'buzzing' has made you feel better though, cos thats what counts.

    Good luck

    Debs xx