Two down, three to go

Less than one minute read time.

So, Dad had his first radiotherapy yesterday, and his second today. He was astonished how quick it was, and was in and out in less than 30 minutes. We didn't have the chance to chat to the specialist nurses, because the one who said she would be there, wasn't.

On steroids, his breathing seems to have improved, and the pain in his right side has diminished, so fingers crossed he will remain reasonably well for as long as possible.

I have loads of questions and just need the chance to ask them, so perhaps if the nurse isn't around tomorrow, I will give her a call. Dad also has forms for attendance allowance, but is reluctant to fill them in, he says he doesn't need it. He is so darned frustrating at times, but its that spirit which will keep him going. Can anyone give any advice about the attendance allowance?

Well , thats our news for now, will keep writing.

Love to all.

