Easter Sunday and trying to keep smiling

1 minute read time.

I want to scream, thats all, just go somewhere where no one can hear me and bloody well scream. My head is full to bursting right now and I feel shitty!!!

Mum and Dad are coming round for Easter Sunday dinner in an hour, and I am pushing the boat out with turkey, pork and all the trimmings followed by home made cheesecake and fresh fruit...all organic, all lovely. And I am smiling...but all I want to do is bloody scream!!

I hate this bastard of a disease, which is taking the Dad I know and love away from us. He has gone from a dynamic and fun loving man to an elderly frightened one before our eyes and it is shocking...and I bloody hate it!!!

I phoned Mum earlier today to confirm they are still coming, I could have gone round but am full of lethargy today (despite the smiles) and she said they were, although Dad is tired.

He is due to start his chemo in a week or two and I am doubly scared that what we have of him will be taken from us when he feels even more ill as a result of the chemo...but I have to keep bloody smiling and saying positive things, its what is expected of me. Daughter, mother, wife and nurse (my profession).

And all I want to do is bloody SCREAM.........AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!!!!

Help people...send your love and hugs, give me strength to get through, because I am struggling.

(oh, and apologies for my evil language on this holy day)

  • FormerMember
    Your post touched me so much. Been there and I know how scary and awful it is. Hugs to you xx
  • FormerMember

    Sending you big (((((((HUGS)))))))) your way, This cancer is evil. Don´t apologise about your language.

    Enjoy each day you have together remember the goods days that will help.

    Much love to you and hope you are enjoying your Easter Sunday with your parents.


  • Big hugs to you Jo. I know what you mean about wanting to just go in a room and scream, sums up how I feel, also have alot of inner anger and would quite like to have a go on a boxing bag. My dad also starts chemo soon, at the end of the month. I fear that this is going to take outdo much out of him and I am scared, I hope so much that it will be worthwhile. It's so sad watching someone change from this disease and felling so powerless to do anything. More hugs to you xxx
  • FormerMember

    Thank you for your comments. Mum and Dad have just left, and for a couple of hours, we managed to stave off the bad thoughts and have a good laugh, but Dad was tired. He describes these days as his 'grey days'. When he feels lethargic, and the illness makes him low in mood. However, he managed to do a sterling job of his dinner, and even downed two slices of cheesecake.

    Mum and Dad did make me laugh, asking for turkey to take home. When asked if it was for a sandwich later on, they replied 'no, its for Poppy' (the dog!). Needless to say, Poppy is having a huge slice of turkey breast for her dinner....lol.

    I still feel down, but not quite so much like screaming now.

    My daughter summed it up when I told her I am worried about the future. She said 'Mum, worrying is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but doesn't get you anywhere.' Clever girl. I am just gonna keep rocking though...for now.

    Love to all here on this chilly Easter Sunday. xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jo

    My heart goes out to you, Its my first time on here and your post has summed up exactly how im feeling at the moment. My Dad is 85 and has a bowel tumor with secondary on his liver.  Last week we were told we have to help him decide if to have chemo or not.  He is very forgetful and a bit confused and keeps thinking chemo is an operation, even though we've explained it all to him.  How can he be expected to make a decision like that when he has trouble even knowing what day it is!  And how can we, his family make that decision for him??  We worry how he will cope with the chemo and know it will only buy him time and not a cure, but is it the right thing for him to go for it...........