My Dad xxxx

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My Dad passed away a few months after being diagnosed with cancer. I helped looked after him until the end and now don`t know what to do without him. He was my rock, whenever i needed him he was there, and now i`m so lost without him. I just can`t get used to the fact that i`m not going to see him again. It hurts so much....

  • FormerMember

    Hi Debbie,

    Im very Sorry to hear about your Dad may he R.I.P..

    But you will have beautiful Memories to keep of you both,

    These are the kind of things that will always keep your Dad close by. Of course it will hurt and will hurt for a long time.Like I said keep those memories of your Dad close by. it will help ease the pain. Its not going to be easy but

    your love for your Dad will win through in the end.

    You take care of yourself., and if you want to talk there is always someone here to listen, and help in anyway we can.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx