My Dad's story so far

  • Chemo Marriage and a Baby


    At the start of this week we announced to mum and dad about getting married in november, the day after my brother and his wife announced a baby due on january 8th and dad had his 2nd last chemo today .

    They brought him up on wednesday for his bloods and again up today for the chemo but this time he had it during the day and got out for home at around 4.30pm.

    I think he prefers to be at home at night , he really couldn…

  • Summertime


    Dad has now had 4 rounds of chemo , this last one has really affected him .

    They have decided to give him a further 2 treatments along with his radio but he is considering not taking the final chemo session as he has found it incredibly hard to bear.

    There's a small part of me that thinks quality of life is more important , he needs to be active and happy and if that is what he chooses for however long he can do it…

  • Resting


    I called today to check up on things , today has been a tired day though sitting resting in the garden in the sunshine, Mum seems upbeat on phone which is good because I know she struggles a bit from time to time , thats only to be expected.

    Little sis was on phone , nervous about coming back for many reasons but I told her you are coming back to spend time with your daddy nothing and no one else matters. Think it helped…

  • Chemo round 2


    Today marks round 2 of Dads chemo.The first round was rough , he's alittle like me in that nausea is the worst thing ever . He found it so hard to deal with and we had to get a doc out to help one night .

    Side effects haven't been so awful as yet as it was the first round , who knows what this round will be like.

    Dad has on good days been out doing stuff like digging a veg patch , there really is no telling…

  • Further on


    Today we got the chemo appt for the City Hospital next Wednesday morning, he's to have a blood test and tehy will find him a bed on the day ( he has to stay over) on a plus note he's a photographer and my cousin has offered him a free kitchen in exchange for brochure photos , now thats something nice.

    Will update more on the chemo etc as and when.