It has now been decided to let nature take it's course

2 minute read time.

My Dad found out he had cancer in May 2011, of the oesophagus. I hadn't seen him properly for 4 years and on and off for 3 years before that. My bf took me up to the hospital to visit him, on his Birsthday. What I thought was one of the hardest things. But actually, today has so far been my worst through this horrible fight. My Dad has caught a chest infection and has severe amounts of fluid in his lungs. To save the upheaval of taking him to an NHS hospital for antibiotics through the vein which may not help, the best and kindest option is to keep him at the hospice and slowly stop everything to allow nature to take it's course.


Dad has a very serious chest infection and lots of fluid, however he is unaware of the seriousness as he didn't want to know the CT results. His tumour has doubled in size and is now in pretty much all the organs in his torso. We are having to say "It'll be ok, just get these anti-biotics in you" but we know he is slowly dying. He suffers bad anxiety, even before the cancer and yesterday after I went to visit him I got a text from his wife asking me and my two sisters if we can come up with a way to stagger visits so as not to frighten him, as he's getting suspicous. I have now been sitting since 9:30am, waiting for news from my sisters but have heard nothing. I don't even feel like I can text them. I feel so isolated. Because of today, because I'm the daughter who he hadn't seen in years. Friends haven't been there, think they don't know or can't deal with it. I've tried to stay strong and put on a brave face as don't want to just be always talking about Cancer.
3.5 months a go we were told he had 4months left, so we were aware this was coming but it's hit me big time. I don't have an impulse to go back up there but also feel like I shouldn't now so as not to upset anybody. I think staying away would be easier to live with then going and him getting panicky.

I feel like my family is so strained from this. It's killing everyone and I just feel numb. I don't know what to do. I don't know what I even want to do. Can't face getting dressed so getting to the Hospice feels like it'll take the last bit of my energy to do. Already under a Mental Health Centre. I'm sorry if this upsets anyone.

  • FormerMember

    7hours after hearing from sis we have a long chat on phone, thanks to the support of those on chat here and my Mum and bf. My Dad has been put on 24hr lorazapam and high morphine so is in a more comfortable state. He probably won't be able to converse again but just happy he's more relaxed. Have told sis I would like some alone time and finally have opened up to her more and after a row with Mum sadly, but due to my shock I feel less alone.


    Thanks again to the people in the chatroom. Wish I'd come on here sooner. But only when it hits you can you look for help. Xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Claire.So glad everything is a bit easier for you in the circumstances.HUGS xxxxx

  • FormerMember


    I know some of how you feel, I had an aunt with cancer, as she got worse and worse I could not go and see her because I knew she would know that her time was short - I knew I wouldnt be able to keep myself together in her presence, she passed away 2 years ago now -and I regret not spending time with her but at the time I thought I made the right choice but now I just dont know - sorry not to be more comforting but you have my deepest sympathy xx

  • FormerMember
    What a terrible position your in, I do so understand how you must feel. Take a little comfort in knowing you have friends on here who are thinking of you, and try not to beat yourself up about things. Much love Mandy.xx
  • FormerMember

    Hi Claire

    It's good that your dad is now on medication that lessens his suffering and my heart goes out to you.  He may not be able to converse with you again but you really do need to have some time with him to tell him all the things you want to before he leaves you.  They say the hearing is the last sense to go so although he may not be 'awake' he will probably still be able to hear you.

    I am sending you all my love and big squidgy hugs and hope that you find some peace within yourself and strength to see you through this very difficult time in your life.

    Much love,

    Nin xxx