My dad

1 minute read time.

I don't really know where to start my dads lost about 5 stone over the past 2 years and his doctor put it down to his pain medication for his back!! He said that's what was causing the bad stomach and diarrhoea, we went to his back specialist has he is in a lot of pain with his back and he told me he couldn't do a urine sample as it was like diarrhoea coming from his front!! I told him this wasn't normal and off he went back to the doctors who said it was a urine infection, he had blood tests and more antibiotics, the Dr finally checked his prostrate and found a lump, he was then referred to the hospital for a biopsy, CT scan and MRI, this has all happened really quickly and we went back for the results yesterday and he has bowel cancer which is that big it's pressing into his bladder and the bottom of his back bone! He's having a colostomy bag fitted on Monday and then having a PET scan to see if it's spread, fingers crossed it hasn't but then we have to travel to Leeds from Stoke on Trent to have a 8 hour operation to remove the cancer his bladder and bowel!! Devastated isn't the word, I just feel really angry with his Dr for not doing something sooner about his unexplained weight loss, stomach pains and chronic diarrhoea. We'll know more after this PET scan and hopefully it's good news! He just looks thin and frail now and we don't know what the future holds. There's so many questions that I didn't ask, we don't even know what the name of the cancer is or how advanced? I just feel sad and lost, we are a close family and we all rallying round, my dads outlook is amazing he's just like ' it is what it is'.

  • FormerMember

    Afternoon Mrs.Cotter,

    Sorry to read about your dad and see you joining us here. It's good you have created a blog by way of an introduction, but it isn't the best way to get help and support here.

    The best places to get more information and support for this would be to join the Bowel Group (link) to get advice from those in similar situations and also the Carers Group to get some help for yourself in a caring role.

    There is also this Macmillan booklet 'Understanding Colon Cancer' if you know very little about it. You may need further information as his diagnosis gets more accurate regarding stage and how invasive this is. So by joining the bowel group you will be in the right place to get help with this from the regular members there.

    Hope this is of some help.

    Take care and best wishes for you and your dad, George & Jackie