The bad with the good

1 minute read time.
Morning folks

Well as the previous post said until Thursday evening I felt fine, a bit weak but generally ok.

Throughout the Thursday night I woke up a few times feeling nauseous but managed not to actually be sick, until the morning. At 6:30 I couldn't hold it anymore and was quite sick. I took the anti sickness pill and actually felt a bit worse, at 11:00 I took the daily medication I have bed given with a glass of water and it was like a comedy sketch from little Britain the sickness just went on and on. I couldn't leave the house on Friday at all and felt bad through the night and well into Sat afternoon. I took the anti sickness pill mid afternoon sat and felt queasy after it so decided not to take the other later on and I felt a lot better. Until. Just before bed I thought lets take the anti sickness as I didn't want to have a bad night again, I just wanted to sleep. I took the pill and headed upstairs, brushed teeth etc then threw up a few times,

I had a better sleep last night and feel considerably better today so far, I have become convinced its the anti sickness pills that are somehow not agreeing with me. I felt fine until I took them and thinking over the past few days I felt worse after taking them. I guess as I don't know what to expect I just thought that was the norm.

I have an appointment for bloods tomorrow and shall mention this to them,

On top of all this my wonderfull partner Gail has come down with a flu like symptoms. So we called then number they gave me to ask for advice, sleep in separate beds and be carefull not to share, towels, cups, glasses etc. I was asked from the first post if I felt I could work, and I said yes. But after the past few days I have to say there is no way I could do the work I do feeling the way I do now, I did try to get the docs to say I could but they all advised not to and I have to say so far they have been right. Take care everyone

  • FormerMember

    Hey Billy,


    Sorry to hear you have had a bad few days.  I was the one who asked whether you felt fit enough to work.  Lets hope it is the anti sickness pills and they can give you something else.

    Keep your chin up and keep the blog going if you can, it is invaluable information for those of us who have yet to start their treatment journey.

    Good luck tomorrow.


  • FormerMember


    I was advised to take the anti nausea pills for 3(?) days following chemo whether I thought I needed them or not, in other words as a PREVENTATIVE measure.  It worked for me.  Just a suggestion.

    Hope you get over the nausea soon.


  • FormerMember
    I also found the anti sickness pill made me feel worse, but do speak to your doc .
  • FormerMember

    hi Billy. Like Pam I was told to take anti-sickness for 3 days even if felt ok.  It too worked for me, felt queasy but never actually sick.  Tablets were called ondansetron - not sure i've spelt that correctly! but seem to be well known.  Hope you bounce back in a couple of days.  I did after an extremely rough ride on the first cycle.  Good luck and keep going!