Rough ride

Less than one minute read time.

The past 3 days have been awfull, constant sickness, weakness and generally feeling crap.

I don't think you can describe the sickness really unless you have experienced it, my entire body feels sick. Not just a stumoch sickness but all over. There is also a smell which I relate to this a sweet sickly smell that comes from my skin, urine, and anything else you care to mention. The smell itself makes me feel ill.

This is the longest period of sickness of the 3 cycles so far, although I feel slightly better today, but still nauseaous. Loss of appetite is another thing I'm experiencing although I am forcing myself to eat some but nothing like you would on a normal day.

I am so tired with this, I know it's going to get better again this month then I go through it again. But what's keeping me going just now is that, that's me half way there.

Take care everyone
