Background story

3 minute read time.
Hi folks

I start chemotherapy on Tuesday 2 April 2013, something I would assume all of us thought and hoped we would never have to face. I decided to start this blog to give me something to do something to focus on if things became difficult. However talking to other I thought that maybe my story and what I go through during the treatment may give others an understanding of what may be ahead. Before we begin I thought I would give you my story.

I was diagnosed with a condition called heamochromotosis in 1994, this is blood disorder related to ferritin levels in the blood, to much iron is stored in the blood. my bloods where checked on a 6 monthly basis and if the levels became to high treatment was venesection (draw blood) until the levels dropped.

It was after. Regular blood test in the summer of 2011 I had a call to ask me to come back in as there was something in the blood. I had a good relationship with the nurse over the years and she told me they were checking for leukaemia, but she was sure things would be fine. After a few months of different blood tests I was diagnosed with CLL on the 8th September 2011, like most of you I won't forget the date and time 5:10pm to be precise.

It took around 2 months before I had my visit to the haematologist, who I must say has been great, always very informative and supportive. Everything was explained fully what I had, why I was there, and the watch and wait process. I continued with life as normal really still went to the gym regularly, worked, and generally felt fine, and still do if I'm to be honest.

My first visit to the doc of 2013 Was on the 2nd Feb, I had some swelling on the back of my throat which was irritable more than anything else, no pain. I wasn't going to mention it but at the last minute did. This set off a serious of events which bring me to the position I'm in now. The doc immediately said its now time to begin treatment, which I was reluctant to do, not because I was afraid or anything, but because I just didn't feel it was the right time. I was sent to the ear nose and throat to make sure the swelling was nothing else and they were certain it was lymph tissue which they could deal with without chemo. I was also sent for a CT scan and this is where things turned towards therapy. I have swollen nodes under my arms, around my groin and around my neck / chin, the doc was pleased with the scan as she thought I would have clusters around my abdomen but it was clear. However the nodes in my neck are clustered around the veins, this is what they must deal with now as it may cause thrombosis / clotting. So treatment begins.

Blood tests showed no sign of the 17p 11q markers, therefore, I can get FCR.

I have no idea what to expect over the next six months. I work as a project manager in construction and have been advised by the doc not to work unless I can be own my own in the office which is impractical, so for the first time since starting work I will be off sick.

I don't know how the blog will go and I apologise up front for poor grammar, spelling and general ranting. I will try to update as much as I can and hopefully someone will get something from the blog. Bring on the Chemo.

Take care everyone.

  • FormerMember

    Hi mate, good luck. I;ve just finnished 6 weeks and 3 days or raido and chemo, last wednesday 27/3/13. With the chemo i found the treatment itself managable apart from the side effects, i kept getting servear thrush in my mouth, i got mouth cancer. Very painful, but they do give you anti biotics to clear it ,but as im also diabetic i found i needed more than the usual 7 day course perscribed, took them a bit of time to understand that. Also got me on morphine, still on that. Also found it changed my moods, realy bad tempers. But the nurses were great and understanding. I want to write a lot more but i;ve just wiped most of. So again GOOD LUCK.

  • FormerMember

    Wishing you loads of luck tomorrow.  Getting the first chemo over is a big hurdle but staff are fantastic.  I had my first last week.  The days after were rough but today I'm feeling much better - and you will too. Let us know how you're doing.