Back to normal

1 minute read time.
Afternoon folks

Just returned from the docs for bloods. My WBC is now 6.3 so now classed in the normal range, the doc agreed this is a good start and now it's the task of getting the nasty CLL cells out of the bone marrow.

It was a good visit overall and I had a good chat with the doc about the future and the possibilities dependant on the outcome of this round of chemo and when it comes then next round. I have to say although I am a very positive person the discussion did give me more hope than I probably had.

I feel a lot better today no nausea so a relief, I discussed With the doc the anti-emetics I had and the fact I felt they were actually making me feel worse, he has given me a different type for the next chemo dose and if I feel I need it before then,

Appearance wise when I look in the mirror it's like looking at a different person, before treatment ,and the reason for treatment, I had lots of swelling around my neck, jaw line and face, I can't actually believe the difference so quickly.

Well take care everyone and to anyone about to start treatment, good luck.
