Almost through it

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Today is the first day since Saturday last that I have felt even remotely normal. I still feel a bit nauseaouse and very lethargic. I'll need to have a discussion next time I am at the hospital as this past 5 days has been terrible.

I have a question, as I don't know if anyone actually reads this.

I'm not the let everyone know I'm sick type, and writing this sort of goes against the grain with me. I thought about doing it as I couldn't really find anything that was from someone in our position,that really described what it was like going through the chemo. If anyone s reding am I being too moany, self indulgent, or is this in any way being helpfull?.

Thanks Billy

  • FormerMember

    Hi Billy


    I am new to this site and just finding my way around.  I was pleased to come across your feelings because I too don't like to complain.  But I don't feel that you are being too moany at all.


    This is the place to share your feelings and to get feedback.  I have just completed 6 chemo treatments for Lymphoma, some days have been up and some have been down.  Its just nice to know that there are others out there going through the same things with the same worries and fears and that together we can help each other through it.


    Take Care


  • FormerMember


    No you are not a moaner, you are a person expressing his feelings and being totally honest about it.  Yes I for one read your blogs and I check in every couple of days to see if there are any updates.

    Your blog and experience is invaluable as it gives is lot yet to enter into the world of treatment an insight into what is to come. 

    Keep it up, and if you want to moan then you bloody well have a good moan


  • FormerMember
    Hi Billy I'm also new to this site and won't bore you with my diagnosis at the moment but watch this space. I just wanted to reiterate what the other posts said that you are not a moaner but just expressing how you feel which as we know is rather grotty because that is what chemo does for you, I think it the lethargy that is the worst. Any time you feel the need to let off steam then this is the best site to do it on because we all understand what you are going through and will be here to support you. Moni x
  • FormerMember

    Hi Billy.   Just got round to reading this entry, I only joined recently and I'm slowly working my way through a few blogs.  I just wanted to say to you that your blog has been really helpful to me.  I start chemotherapy tomorrow, and I joined this site specifically because I was hoping to read about what it is really going to be like.  I was getting fed up with friends keep saying don't worry I'm sure it will all be fine!  I wanted to read the honest truth to help me think of ways to cope, because I know there will be difficult days.  It's wonderful to know there is so much help and support here.  Take care.