One more year to go

2 minute read time.

It's been hospital check up time again. It never used to bother me until a couple of years ago when they found a problem and sent me for further investigation. It eventually turned out to be harmless but it terrified both me and my husband. So we now experience anxiety when we see on the calendar that the appointment is looming.

We deal with it by keeping ourselves busy and not talking about it. My husband has prepared the car and checked the route for potential roadworks. I have been meticulously planning entertainment to keep us occupied in the waiting room. My outfit has been carefully considered, hair has been blow dried and nails manicured.

Sometimes we have to wait an hour or so at the hospital but today we were called straight away. I think we were a bit disappointed. I'd downloaded a short story for my Kindle, I'd bought a sudoku book and I was also planning to mount yet another challenge on Candy Crush Saga level 1507. My husband had a new CD and a podcast he was looking forward to listening to.

So in we go. We never know who is going to be waiting for us in the consulting room. Today it was the surgeon who did my neck dissection operation. Not seen him for a year so it was lovely to see him again. He was accompanied by a nice chap who turned out to be my new Oncologist.

First there is the usual thorough examination. Mouth, nose and ears get inspected by them both and they have a good feel of my neck. Next comes the worst bit when the camera goes up my nose to inspect my throat. I've learned to relax now but this is the scary bit where they stare intently at the monitor.

Fortunately today they are soon both smiling and they tell me I am doing really well. They remind me that it's now 4 years and next year I will be officially cured and discharged from the hospital. As if I need reminding. I did try pleading to see if they would sign me off now. They tell me it's not like getting out of prison early for good behaviour and I have to do the full 5 years.

My Consultant never says much but he always comes up with some suitably reassuring phrases. Today I get told that time is a great healer, patience is a virtue and the best things in life are worth waiting for. I add them to my little notebook in case I get impatient and need to remind myself.

So my next appointment is scheduled for 6 months time. It seems strange to think that by then the weather will have turned cold and Christmas will be around the corner. Will update the blog again then.  
