My history

1 minute read time.

Nearly 3 years ago I was diagnosed with Anal cancer.  Just as I was about to start my treatment they told me I had Breast Cancer, but it was small so they would treat that after I had finished my first lot of treatment., In the November my husband found a Melanoma on my back which was cut out.  As everyone says you get quite anxious when you go for your check-ups but on the 2nd anniversary my oncologist told me that I was 80% cured but as a mater of routine he would organise a scan which he did. 

I was not unduly concerned so what a shock when I was told I had a 2.5cm liver lesion.   After I had a PET scan they said there was increased FDG accumulation in the stomach so they would do a scope.  After the scope the Dr said that he had not seen anything but took 3 biopsies.  I spoke to my GP and asked him to go through the results of the scan, as I could not remember a lot of what the consultant had said, this revealed 4 areas of concern 2 of which I had never been told about. 

My head is all over the place, as everyone says they have to note everything down to cover themselves but I am feeling exceedingly sorry for myself and wondering if this will be my last Christmas.  Four weeks on there is still no appointment for the liver specialist, the wonderful local Macmillan Nurse has managed to get a referral to the breast clinic after I asked what was being done about the other areas of concern and hopefully I should get the results for my stomach within the next week but I don't know what they will do about the colon (if anything) which they say is physiological.  

Why of why can they not have the appointments for any further referrals/ treatment in place when they break the bad news to you.  I feel this would take some of the stress away as you would not be in limbo waiting for appointments, waiting for results and then getting started on your treatment.   

I have found this round really hard to deal with and have been so angry.  I annoys me that I don’t know what I am dealing with and that other people have all this control over my condition.  

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ness Frog,

    Welcome to the Online Community. I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. A cancer diagnosis is always a shock, and, after being diagnosed with so many different types in the past few years, it's hardly surprising that you are feeling angry and that you don't have control over the situation. 

    I'm glad that you've found this site, as many of our members find that it helps to have a place to write it all down and vent their emotions. As well as blogging, you may be interested in joining some of our discussion groups, where you can share things with members with experience of the same cancer type. For example, we have a liver cancer group. Or, you can search through the full list of our cancer types groups.

    Another good source of support is our free Macmillan Support Line (0808 808 0000, Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm). You can give our team a call if you need someone to talk to, and our experts can also provide lots of information on medical, practical and financial issues.

  • Dear Ness, I joined the community yesterday. This is my first posting. After reading your blog entry, i felt compelled to write. I really don't know what to say but I feel for you and you will be in my thoughts. I hope that you get all the help you need soon. I also hope that you have friends and or family that can give you support. i was diagnosed with breast cancer in October. I had a mastectomy at the end of November and I'm now recovering waiting for chemo to start in January. As I said I really don't know what words will bring you comfort but you will be in my thoughts and prayers. Take care x