Day 4

1 minute read time.

Sorry for not updating my blog, this week has gone by in a daze of Doctors appointments, family visits and replying to a heap load of messages from friends around the world....I never knew I was so popular! Haha!

Well, I'm due to see my Consultant next week and will also have an MRI scan to see if the cancer has spread to other areas of my body...I'm keeping everything crossed this is not the case.  In less than two weeks time, my genitals will look completely different to how they've looked for the past 41 years!! I'm very anxious for the cancer to be removed but saddened by the drastic changes of appearance this will cause.  Whilst I'm recovery from surgery, I will have to wear a colostomy bag...I do NOT look forward to that but understand the reasons behind doing this.  The plastic surgeon says this MAY be had bloody better be, I have a life to get on with after surgery!!

I feel relatively healthy and only get tired due to the emotional stress of discovering I have cancer and the support I'm giving to my family; my children have taken the news particularly hard and are asking a zillion questions but sadly, I do not have more info until the MRI scan and my Consultant can give me more info...its all happened rather quickly!

Signing off for now...hope everyone has a great weekend! :)
