WHOOO, what a week that was?

Less than one minute read time.

A 4am start on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday (29, 30 September and 2 October) having 1 whole gram (1,000ml) of Methylprednisolone infusions. It was just like having chemo again really. Others were having infusion of RA biologic drugs such as Rituximab and Infliximab. Mine only took one and a half hours - theirs took 6 hours!!!

After coping with anger, irritation, and feeling like ripping everybody's heads off, I did eventually calm down and now on 30mg Prednisolone tablets. That will be reduced to 20mg on 22nd October. I'm still waiting for my Methotrexate injections though.

Sad news among the February Valentines (my lovely chemo group). Annabelle has tumours on her lungs and brain. They have talked about more treatment, but it appears from her partner Cheryl that it won't be possible. She is hoping to have Anna home for a while before she goes into a hospice. I can't help thinking that even with all my latest problems, I am one of the lucky ones - up to now. Sad news like this really brings it home to us all just what might have been. I will include them both in my prayers.
