More Problems

1 minute read time.

Yesterday (4th March) I had an appointment with Oncology. I was hoping I would be signed off, but I've been having problems with itching, and a rash on my legs. My GP has been treating me with a double dose of anti histamine (a different one to my usual one) some Betnovate steroid ointment, and Flucloxacillin anti biotics. However, I am still itching and the rash has only improved slightly. So the Oncologist has referred me to Dermatology. I'm to continue with Tamoxifen and have another appointment on April 1st. Hopefully, next time I'm seen, I will be put back on Anastrazole and signed off - fingers crossed.

And it could get worse!

My oncologist has referred me to the dermatology department. I was told if I don't hear anything by 2 weeks, let them know. Two weeks were up yesterday and guess what!! Still no appointment. But I got an appointment through with the lymphoedema nurse - WHAT!! Rang the number to query it and they told me my oncologist had referred me!! Talked to her secretary and she can't find any reference of a lymphoedema appointment (I don't have Lymphoedema!). Told her I'd not got the dermatology appointment yet so she will let oncologist know. Now I've cancelled the lymphodema appointment (which I don't need) and I'm still waiting for the dermotology appointment - which I do!!!!   

Well I think I do. On our local radio station this morning I was listening to a lady with PBC (Primary Billiary Cirrhosis) which is an auto immune disease. She reeled off her symptoms, especially the itching, and she was describing exactly what I get. As I already have two auto immune conditions (RA and Sjogren's) it's a definitely possibility!! So now I have to investigate that and see whether that is the answer. Anything to get a diagnosis and stop this itching!!! 

