More Good News

1 minute read time.

My oncologist insisted that I had a Doppler Leg Scan to rule out DVT. When I had cellulitis, my legs were very red and firm. I had that test today. No sign of any blood clots in either leg. Another tick to my list.

Moving on.

Well, my oncologist doesn't want to see me for three months. That is a huge step forward. They asked me to make sure I have a blood test at my GPs a week before each appointment. So, I'm more or less out of the loop so to speak. It's quite exciting, but also a little daunting. It has been intensive up to now, but my GP wants to take me back under her wing. I have to have a fasting blood test before my annual review. So after I've been to remind my rheumatologist what I look like, I'll arrange for all that to be done. 

Is this normal life I wonder???

Final thoughts

September already. The garden was looking a bit tatty, with overgrown Clematis which had produced beautiful blooms (we have 5 altogether). Honeysuckle which is 3 years old and never flowered yet!! And all the pots of Nicotania, Begonia,  and Petunias. There were 5 huge Hostas that looked more like lace curtains due to the hungry slugs and snails resident in our quite tiny garden, and a once beautiful hanging basket. All gone now.  

As I was clipping and snipping (husband doing most of it) I thought back to last September and how I hadn't got cancer at that time. Then it hit me - I must have had cancer then. I found my lump in October, and was diagnosed then. When I had surgery in December, my cancer was grade 3, so I'd probably had it for a few months by October. 

Thoughts on the future - please God, no more cancer. After all, I have enough with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjogren's Syndrome, Bronchiectasis with pseudomonas colonies and now - da da - Osteopenia!! 

Wishing everyone a healthy and happy future. Good luck.
