Life doesn't always move on!

1 minute read time.

Since my last post, I've made a lot of mistakes. First I thought I was finally over my cancer experiences - wrong! Then I thought I no longer needed to come here an put my thoughts and feelings down - even more wrong! But the biggest mistake was turning my back on my lovely February Valentines. I left the facebook group and 'un-friended' them all. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Thankfully we are back together again and I've learned my lesson. Yes, in some ways I've moved on - I now belong to another fb group, the RA Famous Mob (don't ask). But they satisfy a different need in me. The need to use my wild imagination. The Vals keep me stable. 

Tears have been shed, I've had sleepless nights, but I've rediscovered what little bit of sense I had. My mum always used to say "Kathleen, the older you get, the dafter you get" and she wasn't wrong. I wonder what she would have said if she was still alive? I know this sounds like the ramblings of a demented woman. That's because they are. But I hope future posts will be hopeful and even funny (in a good way).  
