how long

1 minute read time.

How long do you hurt for after losing someone. It seems to be getting harder instead of easier and i dont know if i cant take it anymore. It still feels as if it was yesterday and my dad passed the 9/9/09. I still have so many unanswered questions that i cant get rid of.

Im glad my boy is better and im grateful for that. This is going to sound weird but i coped better when my boy was ill and i had to be strong for my family. Now i dont know who i am anymore im moody and bad tempered my partner says i should go to the doctors and get put on something.

My dad wouldnt approve of that he was the kind of guy to tell you to pick yourself up and wipe yourself off. I normally do that but its getting so hard to see the good in anything the now .

This is the 2nd xmas without him and it was so much harder than the 1st . My girl asked why santa never came to visit her (my dad used to dress up as santa and get stuck in the loft to make the kids laugh) i dont want to tell her the truth until she is older.

My brain isnt stopping the now and its like a broken record . I loved my dad so much he was my rock and when  had a bad day he only had to give me a look to make me smile.

Im starting to forget and i dont like that he had the best accent glasgow and welsh mushed in and i will never hear that again, he had the kindest eyes and he had hands the size of shovels he was a gentle giant, i had him wrapped round my finger.

I just want the pain to stop and nothing is working i have tried focusing on the kids and its not working.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Claire I'm so sorry you're feeling like this.  Christmas and New Year are such emotional times of year, it's a time for remembering and that can be hard.  I can't tell you how long it'll be before you feel better as there is no time limit on grief.  Your daughter asking about santa could have set you off.  

    Maybe going to the doctor would be an idea.  Not to get any medication but to talk to someone outside of the situation?  Have you had any bereavement counselling?  Maybe that would help.  You went through so much with your dad and Brandon.  When your dad passed away you had to stay strong for Brandon so you may be having a delayed reaction to everything now that Brandon is well.  I hope you feel better soon hun.  PM me if you want to chat.  Take care of yourself.  Caroline XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi - Sorry Christmas has been so hard for you. I think there is so much pressure on people and for it to be a happy family time - so hard when a major family member isn't there to share it. I think your dad would want you to be ok and to enjoy the time with your kids and partner. Perhaps going to the GP and talking through how you feel may help you - I am sure your dad would understand that sometimes people need a little help in 'brushing themeselves down'. You have been through a really tough time - don't be hard on yourself. Perhaps for a new year resolution take up soemthing you would enjoy - just fro you, swimming, knitting, walking anything that you would enjy. Take care. Karen x

  • FormerMember

    Grieving has no time limit.One day you will wake up and the sun will shine in your life again.We think our mums and dads are invincible and never think about them ever leaving us. My mum died nearly 14years ago, i still weep for her at times and it took me a few years to be able to think about her with a smile , now i can remember all the good times we had, losing her still hurts but its quieter.Give yourself time,and talking to someone outside of your family may help you in your grieving, and letting your feelings out and talking about your dad will help. Only time will ease your heartache, just be kinder to yourself and come here and talk ,we all know what your going thru and we are here to help.

    With Hugs

    Lucy Lee. xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Claire,

    Lucy says it all. One Day One Day. The Sun will shine on your life again.

    Take care and Be Safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Claire it will take time ,good to know Brandon is well .

    Little steps Claire ....

    Hugs Nanaboox