Gods Waiting Room

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My mum has been diagnosed as terminal..she has fought pancreatic cancer for the past 3ys but it has now spread into her liver and bowel.  I have cried, shouted, prayed and tried to go into denial...none of it is working....it is sitll happening.  I cant beileve that i will one day have to work, cook, clean or even breathe without my mum with me.  I am finding it really difficult to even enjoy the time i have with her now because i am constantly on eggshells waiting for a downturn.  I know that is a terrible negative way to look at it but thats how i feel.  My mum has not had a luxurious life (far from it) and i had always hoped she would have a 'golden' age when she could fufill all of her dreams that she put on hold while she invested all of her love, energy, money and time in me and my sibligs.  I have a very open relationship with her, we spend quality time together and always have done, i cant bear this noose hanging over her.  I love her and I feel completely loved and valued by her.

  • FormerMember

    Thoughts & prayers

    Jules xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jadco,

    Think of all the good memories in the past and the times to come.   Look after eachother.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Jadco   Talk to you so much on Chat Line so do feel I know you.I have a daughter in your position so can now immagine how she feels.We do talk about it and do try to be more positive. I do immagine how you feel and do wish it wasnt happening but honey it is.Life is so aweful at times but Day by Day is all we all can do, God bless and lots of love to all lovely daughters from lovely Mums XXXKessie

  • FormerMember

    aww jad big hugs my love, shes gold to you and to everyones eyes, enjoy the days one at a time and remember all the beautiful memories you have together, your always in my thoughts and prayers. your an lovely daughter as im sure we all agree love to you mum take real care xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    hi jad,

    I know how you feel as have been through it hun, I wish I could wave a magic wand and make things better for you, but i cant. all I can say is that try to enjoy each day at a time, try not to look into the future too much, cherish the time you have with her. I know its easy to say and much harder to do, you are close to your mum and are a wonderful daughter, the relationship you have with your mum is very special, please try to enjoy the time t hat you have left with her if you can xxx hugs xxxxx take care xx